How To Make Electro Music

How To Make Electro Music
How To Make Electro Music

Table of contents:


Thanks to the advent of computer technology and the Internet, to create music, and even more so electronic, it became not at all necessary to have a musical education, be able to play musical instruments and know musical notation. The main thing is to have a good ear, a sense of rhythm, to be well versed in the musical style in which you want to create, and to be able to use a computer.

How to make electro music
How to make electro music

It is necessary

  • - a computer;
  • - access to the Internet;
  • - an audio system or good stereo headphones;
  • - Fruity Loops Studio program.


Step 1

Download and install on your computer the latest version of Fruity Loops Studio, which is great for creating electro music, very popular among electronic composers and has a user-friendly interface. The trial period will be enough for you to master the program, later you can purchase a license.

How to make electro music
How to make electro music

Step 2

Explore the central area of the program window, where "patterns" are located - time segments that you can fill with sound samples, from which you will eventually get a rhythmic melody. Practice with standard instruments such as drums, kick drum, etc.

How to make electro music
How to make electro music

Step 3

Add the required plugins by selecting them from the list in the "Channels" menu. The most commonly used synthesizers are 3xOsc, Sytrus and TS404, and you will also need them most of all, because they add keyboards and chords, and work out the bass line. Play your synthesizers by changing the position of the tone controls.

How to make electro music
How to make electro music

Step 4

By pressing F5, you will see the playlist window on the right, in which you will need to place ready-made patterns in the order that is necessary to get a full-fledged track. The patterns are placed like the details of the constructor: first there are percussions, then the kick gradually builds up, after which the patterns you created are played to the bass, which contain the main theme of the track and the vocal insert.

How to make electro music
How to make electro music

Step 5

When finished working with the playlist, press F9. The mastering panel of the track you created will open. Here you can add sound effects to your track that will make it unique and more attractive to the ear. In the list of sound effects, choose the ones that best suit your track.

How to make electro music
How to make electro music

Step 6

When finished mastering, open the "Main Menu" and select the "Export to MP3" command. So you will save your track in the most popular format, after which you can listen to it on any medium, transfer it to friends and family for review, or upload it to the network.
