Dima Bilan's Wife: Photo

Dima Bilan's Wife: Photo
Dima Bilan's Wife: Photo

Dima Bilan has not yet started a family. The singer has long been telling that he dreams of comfort and tranquility next to the only and beloved woman, but the star handsome man has not yet managed to meet her.

Dima Bilan's wife: photo
Dima Bilan's wife: photo

The 37-year-old singer is still in search of his soul mate. But this does not mean at all that he did not have serious affairs. Dima Bilan has always been popular among the fair sex.

Daughter of Vinokur

Dima Bilan himself diligently hides his relationship with the second half from curious fans and journalists. It is for this reason that the young man is often credited with novels with a wide variety of popular young ladies. For example, with wards from the show "Voice", models, actresses, singers. But even the loudest rumors Dima is in no hurry to comment on.

Few people know that even in his youth, Bilan had a very serious romance, which almost ended in a wedding. The guy came to conquer the capital at the age of 20. In Moscow, he became a student at a prestigious university, during which he met Nastya. The girl turned out to be the daughter of the eminent humorist V. Vinokur.


The famous and wealthy father of Anastasia was categorically against a potential son-in-law. The comedian generally didn't want his 18-year-old daughter to get married so early. But initially, the prohibitions of the parents did not bother the lovers at all. For both, these were the first serious real feelings. Dima and Nastya met for a while and talked about the wedding. But suddenly it became known about the separation of the couple. The exact cause of the gap is still unknown. But there is an assumption that it was the father of the bride who influenced this outcome.

Almost a wedding

Another serious relationship that led to marriage was between Bilan and Elena Kuletskaya. The model really captivated the singer with her beauty, purposefulness and, at the same time, homeliness. To the delight of fans, this beautiful couple has been together for a long time. Elena and Dima appeared together at all public events and did not hide that they were planning to start a family.

After Bilan's cherished victory at Eurovision, Kuletskaya began to wear an engagement ring. The lovers themselves did not comment on this event in any way, but it was assumed that the performer made an offer to the chosen one. Then, one after another, the news that Dima was preparing for an imminent wedding poured down. Rumors continued to circulate on the Web, but there was still no official confirmation. The fans of the couple froze in anticipation, and suddenly it became known that Kuletskaya and Bilan broke up.


The lovers dispersed quietly and peacefully without scandals. The main reason for the gap was the desire of both celebrities to actively pursue a career. They realized that they were simply not ready for a family. Today, Kuletskaya is already a happy wife of another man and a mother of many children, but she recalls her relationship with Bilan only with positive emotions.

Other novels

After parting with the model, Dima was left alone for some time. Then he met a new conqueror of the catwalks - Julianne. Bilan met the beauty on the set of one of his videos and immediately "disappeared". The girl really has a very bright attractive appearance.

For several months, the romance of two creative personalities was actively developing in front of millions of fans. It was bright, but short-lived. As a result, the couple broke up, explaining their breakup by the fact that the passion between them had subsided.

The singer had very strong feelings for the little-known artist Lyala. The girl conquered Bilan with her unusual appearance and the same creativity. The young man was ready for everything for the sake of his chosen one. He even began to devote much less time to work, trying every second to be close to his beloved. But Lyalya was scared by such pressure, and she just secretly fled from Dima's apartment with her things. Later, the couple more than once tried to resume their relationship, but this did not lead to anything good.

Once the soloist of the Tatu group spoke about her romance with Bilan. Julia Volkova admitted that she fell in love with a colleague while working together. Then both artists were preparing for the qualifying rounds for Eurovision. The romance of Julia and Dima did not last long. It turned out that both lovers have uneasy strong characters. In a relationship, they constantly bumped their heads together and fought. As a result, both performers decided to part ways.


Dmitry is not married today. He is in an active search for a soul mate. It has been rumored for a long time that the singer has an affair with model Ksenia Sukhinova, but so far this information has not been officially confirmed.
