A bright representative of the galaxy of Russian pop stars Dima Bilan until June 2008 was Viktor Nikolaevich Belan. This popular performer of many musical hits interests his fans not only with his creative achievements, but also with many details from his private life. So, one of the frequently asked questions concerns his nationality.

On December 24, 1981, in the village of Moskovsky (Ust-Dzheguta urban district, Karachay-Cherkessia), in an ordinary provincial family, far from the world of culture and art, the future idol of millions of fans was born. A year after the birth of the baby, the whole family moved to Naberezhnye Chelny, and five years later the city of Mayskiy (Kabardino-Balkaria) became her hometown. It is here that Vitya's childhood and adolescence passes, where until the ninth grade he “gnawed the granite of science” in secondary school №2. And he has already received a certificate of secondary education in the educational institution №14.
Currently, the popular singer is known to the general public under the name of Dima Bilan. It was this creative pseudonym that he began to use as passport data since June 2008. And already in 2012, a new project "Vitya Belan" began to be implemented, in which the idol of millions appeared before everyone as the bearer of the matronym.
Brief biography of the singer
From childhood, the gifted child showed his extraordinary musical abilities. And from the fifth grade, Vitya begins to attend classes at a music school (accordion class) and takes an active part in the activities of the local choir as a soloist. His creative activity includes reading poetry, singing songs, and participating in various competitive and solemn events.
Vitya Belan's parents (mother Nina Dmitrievna - a greenhouse worker, and later a social worker; father Nikolai Mikhailovich - an engineer), focusing exclusively on the traditional philistine approach to life values, for a long time convinced their son to get a "normal" education, which reflects the concept of "feeding the family." The famous artist also has two sisters: Elena and Anna.
Despite the admonitions of his parents, in 1999 the young talent went to Moscow to participate in the Chunga-Changa festival dedicated to the anniversary of the joint work of Tukhmanov and Entin. And after graduating from high school, he already comes to the capital to study at Gnesinka and build a professional career.

Many, believing that the artist's small homeland is Karachay-Cherkessia, and also taking into account his colorful appearance, are convinced of his corresponding ethnicity. However, the Russian origin of the singer's parents, whose surname is Belan, reliably testifies to the Russian origin of their own son. The etymology of this surname belongs to the Old Russian tradition.
In epic times in Russia, "worldly" names with the root of the word "bel" were quite common. They, as a rule, were given based solely on the external data of the carrier. For example, often such people were blond or white-faced. In addition, the use of the epithet "white" could personify the concepts of "expensive", "good", "clean". As always happens, temporary transformations of names brought the surname of Victor's more modern ancestors to its present form - Belan.
The Becoming and Death of a Producer
Teachers recall that during his school years Vitya Belan was a modest and shy boy. Today, this accomplished artist with a worldwide reputation does not look like that at all. However, even now he does not like to be frank and does not allow anyone very close to him, which creates a lot of different rumors around his person.

Everyone remembers how in 2006 Dima Bilan took second place at Eurovision. Moreover, two years later, he even managed to climb to the first step of the pedestal of this prestigious international competition. Of course, this historical event could not go unnoticed even among people far from the musical life of the country. Since that time, the army of numerous fans of the talented singer, in an atmosphere of lack of information, began to make numerous guesses about his biographical data. Moreover, the question of nationality for some reason always aroused particular interest, despite the multinational ethnos in our country.
The history of the ascent of a talented pop artist began in 1999, when a native of the village of Maysky, located near Nalchik, went to conquer Moscow. Here he was almost immediately noticed by the famous producer Yuri Aizenshpits, known for his work with the Kino group and Vlad Stashevsky. At the same time, the singer adopted the now popular creative pseudonym, which helped him completely liberate himself and most fully realize himself as an artist.
And three years after the triumphant ascent of Dima Bilan, his producer dies. Immediately after this tragic event, the time comes for the division of the inheritance and claims to the intellectual property of the singer himself. After all, the official identification of Dima Bilan was still associated with his passport data. That is, Viktor Nikolaevich Belan could in an instant lose all his musical works and even an already promoted pseudonym.
It was in connection with these sad events that the passport was replaced with new personal information. Since that time, Dima (namely Dima, not Dmitry) Bilan began not only to use this name as a creative pseudonym, but to use it in accordance with the official passport data as a citizen of the Russian Federation.
By the way, the change of identification from Viti Belan to Dima Bilan, according to the testimony of many eyewitnesses, including his school teachers, was able to make serious transformations with his character. A modest and shy young man, who always with great difficulty overcame his feelings before going on stage in front of an audience, after reincarnating into a new image, he was able to very quickly get rid of his worries and worries.
And now every fan of Dima Bilan's creative talent has learned themed words from the popular song "Impossible is Possible", which fully relate to his own destiny.
New project "Vitya Belan"
The musical community was very much surprised after the presentation of Dima Bilan's new project, which he named after his family name. It is "Vitya Belan" that the famous singer today relates to those childhood years of his life when he really was himself, and not that collective image that was synthesized in accordance with market requirements.

Moreover, fans of Dima Bilan's talent are well aware that the creative path of the national pop star is filled not only with joyful events and achievements. After all, those numerous stresses associated with litigation and encroachments on his personal and professional life are irreplaceable losses. And it is precisely the return to the vale of childhood memories that enables the accomplished artist to plunge into a calm atmosphere, where intrigues and problems are completely absent.
Idol and fans
Of course, for true fans of Dima Bilan's talent, details from the singer's personal life are in second place after his creative successes. However, it is the Russian origin of the idol of millions that many for some reason question.

The current success of the artist is associated not only with the performance of songs, but also with the authorship of their lyrics and melodies. The Honored Artist of Russia is the bearer of the prestigious title precisely because of his invaluable contribution to the cultural heritage of our country, and not because of some oriental features of his appearance, which should rather be associated with his "Caucasian" upbringing, objectively present in his small homeland.
In his numerous interviews, Dima Bilan often mentions his parents and his place of birth. He plunges into childhood with trepidation in his soul and always speaks very respectfully of those people with whom he communicated during that period of his life.