How To Draw A Human Ear With A Pencil Step By Step

How To Draw A Human Ear With A Pencil Step By Step
How To Draw A Human Ear With A Pencil Step By Step

It is quite difficult to depict a person's ear on paper, since the auricle has a complex pattern upon closer examination. If drawing the ears of a person who is in the distance is a simple task, feasible and a beginner, then drawing a human ear from a close distance will cause a lot of difficulties for the artist. When starting work, you need to remember that the height of the ears is twice as large as their width, and the upper edge is in line with the lower part of the eyebrow. Not only the auricle is depicted, but also the auditory canal, bends, cartilage and other elements.

How to draw a human ear with a pencil
How to draw a human ear with a pencil

The size, shape and character of human ears are varied. Despite this, the structure of the auricle in different people has one structure according to which the image is constructed. As when working on another drawing, here you need to adhere to a strict sequence and be careful in the drawing process.

Required tools

To draw a human ear, you will need to prepare the following materials:

- album sheet or A4 sheet;

- eraser;

- a simple pencil TM;

- simple pencil M.

How to draw a human ear

To begin with, draw an axial line, which will be located closer to the edge of the sheet, and outline the auricle and earlobe. To do this, draw ovals from the center line with thin lines. It is worth remembering that the earlobe will be almost three times smaller than the auricle.

The next step is to start drawing the shape of the ear. Lines are not rounded, but drawn in geometry. The ear canal, cartilage and other small details stand out. After that, the lines are rounded.

When the shape of the ear is rounded, it is necessary to outline the shadows and start shading. To get a feel for the shape of the auricle and the shadow, you can make some line drawings. In this case, they are not rounded off. Extra auxiliary lines are removed with an eraser.

To train your hand, you can sketch the ears from different angles. At the same time, you sometimes need to step back and look at your drawing from afar, so mistakes are found that can be corrected in time and not allowed in the future.

A few tips for aspiring artists

Basically, human ears can be of four types:

- rounded;

- oblong;

- elongated cone-shaped of two types.

For a simple image of the ear, you can show the inner convolutions with two curls. The ear is a part of the human body, where plastic and harmony of form combine. Each part of the ear has a characteristic thickness, so there is no need to make them stand out. The volume when drawing should always be present.

To draw the perfect human ear, it is worth delving into the anatomical structure of this part of the body. It is important to know how the curl, antihelix, Darwin tubercle, tragus, antitragus, auricle cavity, earlobe and external auditory canal are located. This approach will avoid gross mistakes and will greatly simplify training in drawing an ear.