How To Create A Thumbnail

How To Create A Thumbnail
How To Create A Thumbnail

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Puppet miniature is a whole world. After all, it has its own laws, its own history and even fashion. In Russia, miniature dolls are still emerging, although in other countries there has long been an established tradition of making them. The more the final result of creativity will be similar to the original, the more expensive and valuable it will be.

How to create a thumbnail
How to create a thumbnail


Step 1

In the European school, they adhere to a strict approach: if there should be wooden parts in a miniature, then only wood should be used, if metal, then metal, porcelain - porcelain. Replacement with polymer plastics is not permissible. Therefore, individual elements of the miniature (dishes, furniture, accessories) are made by professionals, and accessories are bought in specialized stores. The creation of a miniature is the correct selection of interior elements and everyday life in accordance with the plot and historical context.

Step 2

Choose a storyline and storyline. Each miniature should have its own story.

Pick up all the materials you need. First, try your hand at small items, accessories - handbags, hats, dishes, shoes, etc. By making these products, you will gain the skill of working with scale. Before you buy a dollhouse, think about how many inhabitants there will be.

Step 3

Before buying accessories, decide on the style of decoration so that all the details correspond to the historical era that you want to depict, so first study the relevant literature.

Step 4

Start with a small miniature, it could be just one room, a workshop, or a miniature garden.

If you will carry out all the accessories yourself, then it is worth purchasing the appropriate tools and accessories.

Step 5

The creation of a collectible miniature is a long-term project. It is not necessary to immediately purchase all the "stuffing" for your dollhouse. Stretch the creation of your miniature for a long time, gradually buying accessories and furniture items. Thus, you will carefully select all the details and stretch the pleasure of creation.

Despite the fact that miniatures are more of antiques or collectibles that recreate this antiquity, they are still influenced by modern fashion. If you decide to create a modern miniature, then it is very possible that your descendants will be able to study your life and history from it.
