A miniature is a great way to express your perception of the world in a few words. If you have something to say to others - do it in miniature! What is a miniature? It is a small piece of art, yet full of meaning, richness of artistic techniques and textures.

Step 1
This genre is extremely relevant in the modern world, where the pace of life does not allow you to stretch your thoughts into multivolume novels. A miniature is the perfect way to express your vision for a modern person.
Where do you start when you start creating a miniature? As with any piece of fiction, it is important to identify the main thread, and in the case of a miniature, rather a point around which to build the story.
Indicate an idea or event that you want to dedicate your thumbnail to.
Step 2
Outline a narrow circle of events or emotions that seem to you to be key, which must be reflected in your creation. The main task when writing a miniature is to maximally load the minimum amount of text with content.
Step 3
Check each word for its necessity, there should be nothing superfluous in the miniature, only a bright rich text, in which each word is in its place and without it the whole work will lose its meaning.
Step 4
The most difficult thing when writing a miniature is to combine form and content. Do not allow yourself to lose the colorfulness of the presentation for the sake of the form, choose techniques that will allow you to convey extensive meaning in compact phrases, use subtexts.
Step 5
You should not go to the other extreme, sacrificing form for the sake of meaning, and creating a novel where the miniature should have been. If your idea is so global that you can't fit it into a miniature, try creating a cycle of miniatures, reflecting all facets of your artistic idea.