What Are Interesting Hobbies

What Are Interesting Hobbies
What Are Interesting Hobbies

Interesting hobbies are recently invented, undeservedly forgotten, or new hobbies. Some require serious preparation, while others are available to anyone with a little patience.

What are interesting hobbies
What are interesting hobbies

Robin - interesting embroidery

Cross-stitching is hardly an unusual hobby. But the needlewomen came up with a completely new hobby based on their favorite pastime. It's about a kind of game called Robin. Each participant prepares a large piece of canvas, marks it into equal segments according to the number of participants, then chooses a topic for future work and performs embroidery in one of the sections. After that, the canvas goes to the next participants, until it returns to the hostess. Each embroiderer fills her sector with a pattern, following a given theme. Until the end of the work, the hostess does not know what embroideries other participants have made on her canvas.

You can play Robin live or send the canvas by mail to other cities.

Carving is an edible hobby

Carving people even turn a salad into a work of art. After all, carving is the skill of curly cutting out of products. On an ordinary watermelon or melon, you can create a beautiful ornament or even make a whole picture. Vegetables turn into luxurious flowers, funny children's heroes and outlandish animals. For carving, special sets of tools are used, which include narrow knives and cutters of various shapes. Even carving contests are being arranged. The only pity is that this splendor is so short-lived.

Carving first appeared in Eastern culture several centuries ago.

Poing - playing with fire

The art of twisting poi - balls on ropes or chains - attracts people of all ages and genders. Like-minded people usually twist poi on the street, performing various tricks and attracting passers-by. By the way, the now popular fire shows are also a type of poing. The performers of the fire theater look very colorful at various events, easily juggling with burning balls and releasing tongues of flame from their mouths. Sometimes glowing poi are used instead of fiery ones.

Night autoquests - exciting and exciting

Night autoquests have become an interesting alternative to club recreation for young people. On quests, participants are divided into teams - according to the number of cars. Everyone is given a task - to find certain points on the ground and collect the necessary items. Next, a game of speed and logic begins. Players can use the map, the Internet, special schemes, and sometimes hints. Quests help you survive an exciting adventure and strain your gray matter.

Reconstruction is a way to visit a distant era

Historical Reenactment Societies fully immerse the participants in the chosen time. To become a valiant knight of the 15th century, you need not only to make armor and learn the art of combat, but also to learn the historical realities and peculiarities of speech of that time. Reenactors' events are very colorful spectacles. Participants arrange impromptu battles or holiday fairs of their time, where everyone is sometimes invited.
