September will come very soon, and with it cold days, when there is absolutely no mood for walking. But you don't need to be bored at home either, because there are many interesting activities that can brighten up a cozy home evening!

Felting (wool felting)
For felting, you need special needles with serifs and wool of different colors. With their help, you can make anything: from brooches and toys to house slippers.
Origami is the folding of various shapes from paper. Origami does not require a lot of tools, only colored paper. Amazing things turn out from an ordinary leaf, you just have to start!
Using the scrapbooking technique, you can make postcards, frames, photo albums, books. You will need quite a lot of accessories and decorations, namely: curly scissors, special paper with patterns, cardboard, decorative elements (buttons, lace, stickers, fabric flowers, etc.). All this can be found in specialized stores. And it's worth it!
Amigurumi is a crocheting technique for small cute toys. For knitting, you only need a hook, yarn and a printed material. Even a novice needlewoman can handle amigurumi, just start with the lightest models.
Polymer clay
Clay is very similar to plasticine to the touch, but it hardens when heated in the oven. It is used to make jewelry, artificial flowers, sculptures, brooches.
Growing flowers, herbs and vegetables is also a hobby! Moreover, it is very healthy and tasty. In the fall, you can put long pots on the windowsill and grow your favorite greens in them. By winter it will be possible to serve fresh herbs directly from the garden!
Soap making
Homemade soap is a great gift for yourself and your loved ones. You can choose your favorite aromas, favorite colors, use the most beautiful molds and decorations.
Rag dolls
Making rag dolls and amulets dolls does not require large expenses. Old clothes, leftover fabrics, buttons and lace - that's all you need to create a doll. The dolls will become a wonderful interior decoration, create a cozy atmosphere in the room.