Handicrafts are becoming popular again these days. With the development of modern technologies, more and more new techniques appear, and old ones are also being revived. Needlework is not only a leisure activity that combines business with pleasure, but also a flight of creativity, room for the master's imagination.

Variety of choices
There are a great many types of needlework. Now, in order to create something unusual and original with your own hands, it is not necessary to have a special education and buy professional equipment. It is enough to see the handmade product you like and try to make something similar with your own hands. Each type of handicraft is unique, distinctive and deserves your attention. After all, hand-made is, first of all, the art of self-expression, creativity, bold ideas and bright colors. This article will discuss traditional, modern and the most unusual types of needlework. We invite you to get to know them, join this interesting activity and start creating your own masterpieces.
Traditional types of needlework
Embroidery is an ancient and very popular type of needlework with a long history. Embroidery can be used to decorate not only festive, but also casual clothes: winter and demi-season coats, suits, dresses, shirts and children's clothes. The choice of thread depends on the fabric to be embroidered on, and the placement of the pattern depends on the purpose of the product.
Flowers or floral motifs are usually embroidered on tablecloths and napkins; patterns with straight geometric lines are suitable for sportswear. Simple patterns look good on dresses and blouses made of linen, plain, cotton and silk fabrics. Blouses made of fine fabrics should be embroidered with silk threads. Elegant clothes are decorated with openwork embroidery, and clothes for special occasions are decorated with beads, bugles, sequins.
- cross-stitch, half-cross stitch (tapestry sewing)
- satin stitch
- silk embroidery
- beadwork
- embroidery ribbons
- openwork embroidery (Richelieu)
- gold thread embroidery
- Diamond embroidery
- chenille embroidery
- ison
Nowadays, the hobby for hand knitting has become massive. This is not surprising: hand-made things are always unique. Now it is impossible to imagine any person's wardrobe without jerseys - sweaters, vests, sweaters, skirts, knitted socks or mittens. Moreover, the thing turns out to be especially interesting if different knitting techniques are used in its manufacture, for example, knitting and crocheting. Knitting, like any kind of handicraft, gives you the opportunity to express yourself and replenish your wardrobe with new clothes.
- knitting
- Crochet
- long (Tunisian) crochet
- knitting on a fork
- knitting in tenerife (special frame)
- Peruvian knitting (on a ruler)
- knitting with a needle
- combined knitting (knitting needles + hook + weaving with a needle)
With the help of this type of needlework, they create clothes, bedding, home textiles, napkins, curtains, tablecloths and much more. In addition, sewing is used in the manufacture of footwear, toys, and sports goods.
Despite the fact that now in stores there is a huge abundance of various clothes, there are people who, if they want to replenish their wardrobe, still turn to a seamstress.
- quilting (quilted fabric)
- patchwork (sewing products from patches)
- applique
Modern types of needlework
Quilling is the art of paper filigree. The main material in this technique is multi-colored paper, cut into strips of different widths, where each element plays a role. Whole compositions, decorative ornaments and panels are created using the quilling technique. A postcard made in the quilling style can be a great gift, and a toy can be a surprise for a child. Paper is a reliable and rewarding material for creativity. The main thing is to work with him correctly and try to reflect your sense of beauty in the best possible way.
This type of needlework came to us from France. Its principle is to decorate various household items using fragments that are cut from colored napkins or paper. After choosing the object of decoration, paper applications (flowers, photographs, images of animals, etc.) are glued to it, and then it is covered with a special varnish. Using this technique, you can update the interior or give a second life to old things.

This type of needlework is a creative design for greeting cards, diaries and photo albums. To do this, they use photographs, clippings from magazines, various decorations - beads, ribbons, lace, knitted flowers, rhinestones, sequins, beads and other small decorative elements.
Felting (felting)
A special type of handicraft, during which you can create toys, bags, shoes, panels, drawings on fabrics, decorative items, or other accessories from wool for felting. Felting (formation of felt) of wool occurs due to the adhesion and interweaving of fibers by various methods: dry or wet felting, nanofelting.

Polymer clay (plastic)
Plastic is a modern modeling material that resembles plasticine or soft dough. Toys, dolls, various decorations, decorative elements are molded from it. With the help of plastic, you can imitate any material: wood, stones, leather and much more. Finished products are hardened in air or at high temperatures (in a conventional oven).
Foamiran is a soft foam rubber with pores. This material is called ductile suede, for its elasticity and pliability when slightly heated. They make bijouterie, flowers, hairpins, dolls, toys from it.

Unusual types of needlework
This technique dates back to ancient Greece. Its principle is to draw pictures with wax crayons using an iron.

Jute filigree
Jute is a natural and environmentally friendly fiber from which bags, cords and ropes are made. Jute filigree is a relatively new trend in needlework. Its principle is based on the creation of various motifs, curls and patterns from jute thread, which are glued together with glue. In this technique, you can make the following products: vases, boxes, decorations, lampshades and floor lamps for lamps, photo frames, panels and napkins.

This type of handicraft consists in applying specially treated textile material (flock) to the surface of the fibers. Flock is glued with glue to the surface of the product under the action of an electrostatic field. The result is a velvety surface.

This beautiful embroidery style is very popular in India and Pakistan. This embroidery is used to decorate festive clothes, weapons, carpets on the walls, bedspreads. The patterns are embroidered on expensive fabrics (velvet, silk, brocade) with gold or silver threads and decorated with precious stones.

Carving in cooking is the art of curly cutting over vegetables, fruits, cheese and other food products. This art came to Europe from the countries of Southeast Asia. With the help of special carving knives, craftsmen in this technique create stunning masterpieces from ordinary products.

Yarnbombing (street knitting, wool street art)
This type of handicraft is also called knitted graffiti. The founder of yarnbombing was the American Magda Seig, who decorated the entrance to her shop with knitted decor to attract customers. Now knitted work of needlewomen can be found on the streets of any city. Their art results in houses, trees, benches, poles, buses, monuments, bridges and playgrounds. Try to also master such creativity within your home, cottage or balcony.