How To Tie A Rhombus

How To Tie A Rhombus
How To Tie A Rhombus

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Some products are knitted in separate fragments - squares, triangles, rhombuses. Individual fragments can be immediately tied together, or you can impose the required number of parts and fasten them together with decorative braid, crocheted or woven. This method is more often used in crocheting, but you can also knit individual fragments with knitting needles - for example, if you have a lot of different remnants of wool, and you would like to make something unusual out of them. To do this, you need to learn how to knit the actual fragments. For example, diamonds.

Start knitting the rhombus from one loop
Start knitting the rhombus from one loop

It is necessary

  • Remains of yarn
  • Hook or knitting needles by yarn thickness


Step 1

Begin knitting the rhombus from 1 loop, regardless of whether the hook is in your hands or knitting needles. When crocheting, crochet 1 stitch, then 2 stitches and 1 double crochet stitch. Turn the knitting over, tie 2 air loops on the rise, 2 columns to the extreme column of the previous row. In each next column, knit 1 column, and in the last column of the previous row, knit again 2. In the same way, knit all other rows until you reach the widest part of the rhombus.

Step 2

Start lowering the loops. Do this by knitting 2 stitches together at both ends. At the end, you should be left with 1 loop. Break off and tighten the thread, or start knitting the next diamond.

Step 3

When knitting, cast on 1 row loop and 2 hem. Pull out one knitting needle, remove the hem loop, and knit 3 loops into the loop of the row. This is how it is done. Insert the knitting needle into the loop and pull the working thread through the loop. In this case, do not remove the loop from the left knitting needle. Make a yarn over, then insert the right knitting needle again into the same loop and pull the thread. Discard the loop from the left knitting needle. Purl the hem loop.

Step 4

Knit 2 row only with purl loops. In the 3rd row, remove the hem, make a yarn over, then knit all the loops with the front to the final hem. In front of the hem, make a yarn over and knit it with a purl loop. Knit the next row and all even ones according to the pattern, knitting the yarn over with a purl loop. Knit in this way to the widest part of the rhombus.

Step 5

When you reach the widest part of the size you need, start lowering the loops. Do this in odd rows, knitting after the initial hem and before the final 2 stitches together with the front one. Knit even rows according to the pattern. At the end, you should have 3 stitches left. Tie them together, cut the thread and tighten the loop.
