Embroidery is a creative process, so for it, first of all, you need a desire to create something, transfer your vision of the world to fabric or other materials for embroidery (canvas, special paper, non-woven materials). And it doesn't matter in which of the embroidery techniques the work will be done, the main thing is the desire for creativity.

At the same time, even at the beginning of the creative path, it is imperative to have a certain set of necessary materials and mandatory devices that will help to master the intricacies of craftsmanship. You should think about the need for some kind of reference literature or master classes that are devoted to different types of embroidery techniques posted on the Internet - this way it will be easier to learn the simplest operations and master the sequence of actions.
Otherwise, attempts to learn from one's own experience can lead to the fact that the work will not work, and the creative fervor will disappear somewhere, or the wrong sequence of actions will take hold and the work will require much more time. Naturally, classes with a real craftswoman who can show the basics of mastery is an ideal way to start learning, but it is often difficult to find time for such classes. Independent mastery of the embroidery technique is within the power of every person, regardless of age and gender, but in this case, needlework can be given at any convenient time.
The further choice of materials for training (thread, needles, fabric) depends only on what technique of embroidery the beginner is going to master. For cross stitching, a special canvas is definitely needed, which makes it easier to count the threads of the fabric, floss threads (and even during the training period, you should not especially save on the quality of the threads - the products manufactured by leading manufacturers are not so expensive that you cannot buy several multi-colored skeins, on which training will be carried out). When choosing a pattern, it is better to use ready-made options that can be easily found in the print press and electronic media. A find for beginners can be ready-made kits, which include fabric for embroidery, a pattern, the required number of threads of different colors and an embroidery needle with a rounded tip.
It is imperative to take care of the availability of the necessary accessories - a hoop that helps to ensure the required tension of the fabric, scissors, a washable marker for marking the fabric into large squares.
Other embroidery techniques are a little more difficult to master on your own - it's better to find the time and sign up for courses, whose teachers will tell you about embroidery techniques.