How To Weave Elastic Bracelets

How To Weave Elastic Bracelets
How To Weave Elastic Bracelets

The world of girls has captured a new interest - weaving bracelets from small silicone rubber bands. Everyone is happy to wear bright bracelets: girls 5-16 years old and even adults. Would you like to weave yourself a piece of the rainbow? Stock up on patience and imagination.


The first step to getting started is purchasing the necessary tools. The rubber bands are called "Rainbow loom" or "Loom bands" and are sold in stationery stores. You can also order any set online.


For the safety of the child, weaving machines and other tools are made of plastic. Some sets for the older age category have a metal hook.

Before weaving bracelets, free up and prepare your work space: a table, a chair with a comfortable back, a lamp for lighting. It is better for kids to weave with their parents so that pampering does not lead to injuries (it happened that a stretched elastic band shot in the eye like a slingshot).

How to weave a bracelet from elastic bands "French braid"

Would you like to weave a bracelet with a braid-like pattern? Choose whether your bracelet will be multi-colored or solid. For a multi-colored bracelet, alternate the colors of the elastic bands through one.

Take the mini braiding frame. It looks like a slingshot. Put the elastic on the horns, twisting it with a figure eight. Put on the next two elastic bands without twisting. Then hook the bottom elastic by the left edge and move it to the middle of the slingshot. Do the same with the right edge. You should have two elastic bands with a twisted knot in the middle.

Slip one elastic on top as usual. Pick up one end of the center elastic and move to the middle. Leave the second edge in place. Pick up the other edge at the bottom elastic (if there was a left one, then this one is right and vice versa) and move it to the middle.

Then the same actions will follow: put on an elastic band, hook the middle edge by the edge, shifting it to the middle, and then the lower one. Alternate the edges to match the color scheme (if the elastic is multi-colored).

Finally, hook the bottom elastic at both ends, moving to the middle. Pick up the remaining middle by the edge and move it to the other "horn". You will get two loops on one post. Stretch the loops by sliding them over both posts of the frame. Take the clasp and, picking up both loops in the middle, remove the finished bracelet from the frame.

Attention: do not let your child weave on your fingers! A twisted elastic band can restrict blood flow and damage delicate baby fingers.

More complex bracelets are woven on a large loom and require attention and perseverance. Having learned to weave simple bracelets, move on to complex ones. A bracelet will add originality to the woven beads and various "pendants". Imagine and give joy to yourself and those around you.