Viola Dees: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Viola Dees: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Viola Dees: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Too much is said and written about early career guidance. Viola Dees as a child did not even think of becoming an actress. Only over time, when she began to study in a theater studio, did she understand her purpose.

Viola Dees
Viola Dees

Starting conditions

Every adequate person recalls his childhood with slight sadness. All difficulties and sorrows by a certain moment are forgotten and only a light, as if painted with watercolors, picture remains. Viola Dees was born on August 11, 1965 in an ordinary American family. The parents did not have deposits in a bank or luxury real estate and lived on a ranch with an owner in South Carolina. My father worked as a groom. Mother served as a maid in the master's house. The girl was born the fifth child of six children.


For various everyday reasons, the family had to move to the city of Rhode Island, located on the Atlantic coast. A large and poor family has its own rules and traditions. In such a cell of society, the younger children get their clothes from the older ones. Sweets and delicacies are on the table only on weekends and major holidays. To those who do not know how they live in houses with minimal income, such habits seem strange.

The children, unencumbered by the care of their parents, had fun as best they could. Most often they put on impromptu performances with invented characters. Viola very faithfully represented characters from different fairy tales. Her artistic abilities were manifested at an early age. When the girl began to go to school, she was interested in classes in a theater studio. She drew well and helped set stage sets for performances. Convincingly performed the roles that were assigned to her.


Professional activity

Classes in the drama studio did not pass without a trace for Viola. She felt the imperious magic of the theatrical stage and decided to link her fate with the acting profession. After high school, she attended a local college and received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. Then she went to New York and graduated from the famous Juilliard School of Acting. After completing her education, the certified actress worked in the theater for several years. She had to go through a thorny path of recognition and acceptance into the troupe.

Viola's acting career was going well. In 2001, the actress received two prestigious awards for her performance in the play "King Headley II". Three years later, another success and a new award followed. Creativity on stage fascinated Dees, but did not bring wide popularity. After some doubts, the actress accepted the invitation and passed the casting to participate in the filming. She already had work experience. However, no one, even close relatives, noticed the episodic appearance on the screen in the film The Essence of Fire.

For several years, Viola Dees played in the theater and at the same time performed "small" roles in films. In the end, quantity turned into quality. The actress received recognition from the audience and critics after the release of the film "Solaris". The film was shot with interesting deviations from the author's text. Viola had to play a strong and strong-willed woman, although initially there are no real women in Stanislav Lem's novel. But that was the director's intention.

It is important to note that after this project, the actress Dees was assigned a very specific role. She began to be invited to the roles of morally strong and strong-willed heroines. Critics and viewers alike noted that Viola looks convincing in the image of a policeman and a military, and a super spy, and an FBI agent. However, she did not neglect small roles. For the eight-minute episode in Doubt, Dees won two awards at once, an Oscar and a Golden Globe, as a supporting actress.


Personal life plots

For two years in a row, the actress received the Screen Actors Guild Award for her participation in the series How to Avoid Punishment for Murder. The award for Best Actress in a Drama Series was presented for the first time to a black actress. This happened in 2015. By this time, Viola already had authority in cinematographic circles. She was known and respected far beyond the borders of the country.

The most famous actress brought her role in the film "The Servant". The script for this film touches on the painful American theme of the relationship between whites and blacks. To gloss over the problem, political scientists and sociologists have coined a special definition for black citizens - "African American". Having played the role of a black maid in the house of white masters, Dees received another Oscar and a Screen Actors Guild Award.


Almost everything is known about Viola's personal life. The actress has never advertised her novels and adventures. The biography contains no facts discrediting the honor and dignity of Dees. She just worked hard and purposefully, making a career. Viola got married belatedly, at the age of 37. But as they say, better late than never. Her husband was a black actor Julius Tennon. He is eleven years older and has two children from a previous marriage.

Viola will not be able to give birth to her own child. In 2011, the husband and wife took up a one and a half year old girl and named her Genesis. The actress devotes all her free time to communication and raising her daughter. In 2016, she was included in the list of the fifty most influential moms in America. This recognition was facilitated by the activity of the actress on social networks.
