Choosing A Location For Shooting

Choosing A Location For Shooting
Choosing A Location For Shooting

Even if you have taken absolutely all measures to look great in the photo, but have not thought about the background, the picture is guaranteed not to work! This is roughly the same as inserting an ingenious painting into a cardboard frame and hiding it all in a dusty corner behind a curtain.

Choosing a location for shooting
Choosing a location for shooting

Surely everyone in the album has a photo where a beautiful woman, sitting at a table with half-eaten dishes and empty plates, absolutely loses all attractiveness. What can you do: a vulgar background may well "share" its vulgarity with you! If your life is spent in a beautiful palace, chock-full of luxury goods and draped with masterpieces of textile production, then it is best to take pictures in the fresh air. The sheer variety of daylight, evening and sunset light alone is a huge advantage! But in order for the photos to turn out really good, you need to try to do everything correctly - and then the effect will be wonderful.

- especially important in summer, early autumn and late spring, when the colors are bright, the light is cheerful, and in order to find a good exterior, it is enough to go to the nearest park. Pay attention to this moment: the clothes should correspond to the purpose, namely, the walk. Evening and pretentious outfits look silly against a backdrop of laid-back greenery, the same goes for makeup.


- it can be a sea, a river or a lake, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that the water enlivens the photo, makes it fresh and dynamic, but it also brings a small amount of calm melancholy. One has only to sit down on the shore and look into the distance, at the water. The photographer only has to catch a profile and a wistful look. Beauty!


- the urban landscape provides such an abyss of opportunities for interesting photography that only imagination can suggest the necessary solution. Any building, a bridge, a park bench, and even an ordinary road or a long alley extending to the very horizon can become a background. It must be remembered that the light in the city is softer and grayer than in nature, so you should dress brighter and complement your outfit with some expressive accessory. It is in the urban environment that the most successful black-and-white photographs are obtained, which are now so in vogue.


- these are commonplace places for shooting: for example, against the backdrop of sculptures or facades of any museums, or hugging a beautiful tree
