The Location Of The Chakras On The Human Body

The Location Of The Chakras On The Human Body
The Location Of The Chakras On The Human Body

According to Eastern teachings, chakras are the most important energy centers of the human body. The opening of the chakras and their harmonious work allow not only to maintain good health, but also to acquire many talents and abilities. In order to purposefully work with chakras, you need to know their location and purpose.

The location of the chakras on the human body
The location of the chakras on the human body

Specialists in oriental medicine and spiritual practices count dozens of chakras in a person. But the main ones are seven, it is on their work that the health and talents of a person, his spiritual qualities depend.

The main chakras in the human body

Chakras belong to the energy body of a person, while they are projected onto the physical. Traditionally, chakras are counted from the bottom up, from the first to the seventh.

Muladhara - located at the lowest point of the body, just behind the genitals. This chakra is associated with kundalini energy, concentration on mooladhara gives health and longevity. The color of mooladhara is red.

Svadhisthana is the chakra of sexual energy. Located at the level of the coccyx. Responsible for a person's sexuality and the functioning of the immune system. Orange color.

Manipura is the life force chakra. It is projected onto the solar plexus. Affects the volitional qualities of a person, the level of his energy. In addition, it regulates the digestive tract. The chakra color is sunny, yellow.

Anahata is the heart chakra, it is also the chakra of love. Located at chest level, it controls the work of the heart and circulatory system. It is associated with qualities such as love, kindness, mercy. Chakra color is green.

Vishuddha is the throat chakra. It is located in the throat, at the base of the neck. Responsible for the work of the respiratory system and the thyroid gland. Vishudha is associated with a person's ability to speak, perceive and process information. The chakra color is blue.

Ajna is the third eye chakra. Localized between the eyebrows. Responsible for the work of the nervous system. In addition, it is with ajna that the ability to clairvoyance is traditionally associated. The chakra color is blue.

Sahasrara is the crown chakra located above the crown of the head. It is considered the most important chakra, a stream of incoming vital energy passes through it. Responsible for the spirituality of a person, his ability to know the truth. Its opening takes a person to a completely new spiritual level. The chakra color is purple.

Opening the chakras

In a harmoniously developed talented person, all chakras are open and work very harmoniously. It is through the chakras that the connection to various subtle planes of existence is carried out - if some chakra is closed, the abilities of this level are inaccessible. Therefore, it is important to open the chakras, to harmonize their work.

Traditionally, the chakras open from the bottom up, from the first to the seventh. This method has a drawback - after the opening of the three lower chakras, a person not only receives all the talents and opportunities accompanying them, but also opens up to the corresponding energies, sometimes very aggressive.

There is another option - the opening of the chakras from the top to the bottom. In this case, the chakras of the upper level are first worked through, after which there is a natural descent down to the chakras of vitality, sexual energy and kundalini energy. In this case, a person already has a powerful spiritual base, so a collision with powerful aggressive energies of the lower chakras will not harm him.

Regardless of which option you choose, chakra opening is best done under the guidance of an experienced mentor.
