What Can Be Collected

What Can Be Collected
What Can Be Collected

Collecting is a popular and entertaining hobby that involves collecting, studying, organizing objects. The types of collections are diverse, you can collect absolutely any items.

What can be collected
What can be collected

What is not collected! Everyone knows the types of collections: numismatics and bonistics, philately, faleristics. You can collect pictures, icons, books, expensive wines. Elephants can become the topic of collecting, it is believed that the elephant is a sacred animal that brings happiness to the house. Once it was fashionable to put seven porcelain elephants on a chest of drawers; during the NEP era, they became a symbol of philistinism. Nowadays, there are many people who collect figurines of these animals, as well as figurines of frogs - there is a belief that a frog in a house is a source of wealth.

Any toys can be a collectible: dolls (plangonology), cats, bears, salt dough toys, soft toys. The gathering of angels in all forms is gaining in popularity.

A collector's passion can be autographs of celebrities, candles, theater posters, transport stickers, netsuke figurines. The following types are widespread: campanophilia (collecting bells), filocartia (collecting postcards), phylumenia (collecting matches, labels from matchboxes).

There is also this type of collecting: errinophilia (collection and study of non-postage stamps). Vitrophiles collect glass products and study the history of the origin of glass. One of the most popular types of collecting in the world is lepidopterophilia - collecting butterflies. This hobby has been known for a long time and has long been the prerogative of rich people. They could travel and replenish their collection with exotic specimens brought from different countries.

Few people know that collecting candy wrappers, which children are often fond of, is called philolidia. Collecting packages belongs to this topic. Collecting gum inserts (humophilia) is a fun activity available to both adults and children.

Collectors are passionate people - they devote all the time to their favorite subject without a trace. In order to get a rare item in their exposition, they are ready to inspect all the souvenir and antique shops, visit the flea markets.
