Winx fairies are the favorite characters of thousands of modern children and adults, and cartoons, books, comics, coloring books and paraphernalia with their participation are very popular. Of course, many people want to draw their favorite characters on their own - and it's not so difficult if you know what stages of drawing a fairy consists of.

Step 1
Start by drawing geometric shapes for the fairy head. Draw a small, elongated oval and draw a vertical line curved to the right through its approximate center. This line will show in which direction the fairy's face is turned.
Step 2
Draw a horizontal, curved line through the center of the line. The center of the intersection of the lines is the place where you want to draw the fairy nose.
Step 3
Below the center, using the center line of symmetry, draw a small mouth. On the left and right, just above the horizontal line at the bottom of the oval, draw the outlines of the eyes, eyelashes, and then the outlines of the hairstyle.
Step 4
Detail the face of the fairy - add pupils and highlights in the eyes, draw lips and a small shadow near the nose. Detail the strands of hair, and, if desired, draw a headdress for the fairy.
Step 5
After drawing the face of the fairy, proceed to drawing the silhouette of her body. Based on the position of the head, draw a thin line of the spine with a natural anatomical curvature.
Step 6
Then draw small curves for the hips and chest. Add guidelines for the shoulders, arms, the horizontal line of the pelvis at the hips, and finally the legs with knee joints.
Step 7
The joints (knees, elbows, hands) are best depicted in small circles, which then, like other preparatory lines, will be erased.
Step 8
Detail the body parts and make light sketches of the fairy costume. Draw the folds and ruffles of the dress, shoes, jewelry. Add more detailed and flowing hair.
Step 9
Draw large wings for the fairy and decorate them with patterns.