How To Draw A Banana

How To Draw A Banana
How To Draw A Banana

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It is best to start drawing from nature with vegetables and fruits. Almost all of them have a definite and understandable form. Try drawing a banana from life. This can be very useful not only for still life, but also if you want, for example, to make didactic games for the classification of objects for children.

How to draw a banana
How to draw a banana

It is necessary

  • -paper;
  • -the pencils;
  • -banana.


Step 1

If you're only drawing a banana and not a composition of different fruits, lay the leaf horizontally. Banana on it can be placed either parallel to the bottom edge, or at a slight angle to it. Imagine the place where the drawing will be located. It is most convenient to draw a large banana in the middle of the leaf. End points can be marked or imagined.

Step 2

Consider a banana. You will see that it has an arched shape and most of all resembles a crescent moon. Place the banana on a horizontal surface. Draw an arc with the convex part down. In any case, the curvature will not be very large.

Step 3

Determine the ratio of the length and the greatest width of your "nature". The width can be marked with a thin construction line by drawing it over the middle of the arc. Connect the ends of the banana to each other with another arc. Draw your hand with a pencil from the left extreme point to the right, grabbing the central part of the construction line. This arc has less curvature than the first. This is the middle line of a banana, something like an edge.

Step 4

Take another look at the banana. Pay special attention to how the parts before and after the center line are related to each other. The back seems to be slightly narrower than the front. A line, if represented on a plane, will be an arc with less curvature than the rest. Its convex part "looks" in the same direction. Mark the widest part of this "edge". It roughly coincides with the widest part of the front "edge". Draw another arc, connecting the ends of the banana to the marked wider part.

Step 5

On one side of the banana is a piece of the stem. Continue the arc and draw 2 short, straight lines parallel to each other. Connect their ends with a curve. Its form can be any. Round the connection of the lines at the other end of the banana slightly.

Step 6

Cover the banana with an even light green color first. Draw the middle arc a little darker, and make the edges dark green.
