Streptocarpus is a very popular houseplant. Elegant bell-shaped flowers fountain out from the rosettes of narrow leaves. And because of their long flowering for more than six months, unthinkable multi-colored colors and unpretentiousness, streptocarpuses have become welcome residents of our homes.

Streptocarpus need bright light for a "blooming" life. But the plant should be protected from direct sun. When keeping it on the "southern" windows, it is better to shade it with a light-transmitting curtain or slightly set the plant aside from the window.
Streptocarpus does not like low temperatures. The most critical temperature for small-flowered varieties is 15-16 ° C. Hybrid large-flowered streptocarpus require higher temperatures, about 20-24 ° C. If the room gets cold, the plant will not bloom. Flowers appear when the room gets warmer.
In winter, during the heating season and on hot summer days, streptocarpus needs humidification. To do this, it must be placed on a tray with pebbles or expanded clay, half filled with water, so that the roots do not get wet. Alternatively, you can group several plants together. This will increase the humidity. It is impossible to spray streptocarpus, as there will be burns on the leaves from drops of water.
You can water the plant along the edge of the pot, but so that water does not fall into the center of the streptocarpus outlet. Can be poured into the pot pan. The soil surface should dry out between waterings. At low temperatures, watering should be reduced, the soil in the pot should be only slightly damp.
Top dressing is used in the summer months - once every three weeks. In winter - once a month. They are fed with liquid fertilizers for flowering plants.
Streptocarpus are transplanted annually in the spring into shallow pots one size larger than the previous one. Use ready-made peat-based soil from a store. Old plants "suffocate" from the abundance of leaves and bloom poorly.
If the tips of the leaves of streptocarpus turn yellow or turn brown, the roots of the plant are dry or the air in the house is very dry. Increase moisture and water the plant with lukewarm water.
Decay of leaves at the base of the plant occurs when the soil is overflowing and when it is cold in the room. Trim rotten leaves and treat the plant with an anti-rot fungicide. Do not “waterlogged” the plant.
If streptocarpus does not bloom and only leaves grow, the plant is cold or there is not enough light.