How To Dress For Halloween

How To Dress For Halloween
How To Dress For Halloween

The tradition of celebrating Halloween has its roots in English history. According to legend, on the night of November 1, the souls of the dead come to the house to warm themselves. And with them comes all the unclean power. After all, the first of November in Britain comes winter. To scare away evil spirits, people dressed up in costumes of animals, as well as witches, devil, bats, went from house to house and sang songs. Subsequently, children began to dress up in frightening costumes and go home, singing songs and demanding food.

How to dress for Halloween
How to dress for Halloween

Nowadays, Halloween is a reason for organizing a fun costume party, not only for children. In England, this holiday has already lost its relevance, but in the United States, on the contrary, it is gaining more and more popularity. Not only students, but also world stars of cinema and show business dress up in masquerade costumes. How to dress properly for Halloween so as not to look like a black sheep? Among the traditional images of evil spirits, new ones appear: Superman, Spider-Man, Harry Potter. You can buy a suit, or you can make it yourself.

If you are not friends with a thread and a needle, or if you do not have time to make complex elements at all, use your wardrobe. A black dress or a black suit, consisting of a turtleneck and pipe trousers or leggings, can be the basis for several looks. For example, by adding a hat with a large brim, you can go to the masquerade as a witch. And black small ears and painted whiskers will make you a black cat. Use a red belt, red horns as an accessory - this will make you a devil. Bright red lipstick will complement this look. Girls try to add as much candor as possible to their Halloween costume, thereby creating sexually attractive images. If you do not want to participate in the masquerade, then it is enough to create the image of a vamp woman. A tight dress and bright makeup will help you blend in with the company of evil spirits.

For a young man, dressing up for Halloween is a little more difficult. Some young people try to look strong and scary, while others are not afraid to appear in funny costumes. Among men's masquerade costumes, the costume of Count Dracula is in first place in popularity. This is followed by superheroes, robots, ghosts. Here the choice is also quite wide. But the main thing that can save or ruin any costume is makeup. Pale skin, dark circles under the eyes, bruises on the face - this makeup will make you a vampire even in an ordinary black suit.