How To Make Hillshades

How To Make Hillshades
How To Make Hillshades

Table of contents:


First, we will help you understand what washing is. This is a layering of lightly diluted watercolor or ink to create a smooth gradient or "transparent" fill. The pictures obtained using this technology sometimes look like real photographs. In other words, the sheet is first “soiled” and then washed off. With what washing is, we figured it out. And now you can start revealing the topic.

Awesome paintings can be painted with hillshade
Awesome paintings can be painted with hillshade

It is necessary

  • - Brush number 6-10 (preferably protein or columns);
  • - Mascara;
  • - Glass or mug;
  • - Plain tap water;
  • - Paper.


Step 1

Fill a glass with cold tap water, dip the very edge of the brush in mascara, then dip the brush into the water. Stir until the water in the glass turns black from the mascara. Now take a piece of paper and try to apply the resulting solution to the paper. The color should be pale so that you get smooth, rather than harsh and chopped transitions. If you are satisfied with the color saturation, start the main process.

Step 2

Dip the brush into the glass. Then it can be wrung out or left alone. It all depends on the size of the picture and the brush itself. It is better to try the subsequent actions first on some unnecessary sheet of paper. After all, not everyone can draw beautifully without prior practice.

Step 3

Dip the brush over the desired area on the sheet of paper. You will have a drop. You should not put pressure on the brush. Just slide it across the width of the washed area to stretch your blob. Try not to spend two times in the same places. Try to brush quickly and accurately.

Step 4

If the brush dries up, dip it in a glass and continue creating where you left off. In order to remove excess water in the drawing, simply squeeze out the brush and blot the water droplets with it. You can use a soft sponge or a piece of foam rubber for these purposes.

Step 5

If you want to darken the color, just wait until the first coat is dry and then apply another one. If you are still not satisfied with the color, apply as many layers as needed. It's all. Now you know how to make a hillshade.
