To decorate the room, make an unusual installation - something that looks like a topiary and an unusual bouquet of butterflies at the same time.

For such a craft, you will need paper, scissors, pins, a piece of foam. In principle, this is all, but you can supplement the set of materials with beads or beads, felt-tip pens or paints, multi-colored paper.
Work order:
1. Cut a piece of styrofoam so that you get a rounded shape (instead of styrofoam, you can use a floral base for bouquets). Fasten it to the base (stick it on a thin wooden stick or cardboard rolled up into a tube).
2. Cut out a butterfly pattern (you can take one of those below in the diagram or draw it yourself, because this is a very simple shape) and cut a couple of dozen identical butterflies out of paper. It should be noted that both ordinary white paper for a printer and its multi-colored varieties are suitable for crafts. If there is no paper for the printer, you can take a set of colorful paper for children's creativity.

3. On a round base made of polystyrene, prick paper butterflies whose wings are folded at an angle of 70-150 degrees (the more butterflies you want to arrange, the smaller the angle). It will be better if you have decorative pins with pearl heads, but you can also use ordinary ones that look like thin carnations. Put a small bead on such pins.
4. Wrap the base with colored thread and place your impromptu butterfly bouquet in the narrowest vase.
Helpful advice: you can not attach such a ball with butterflies to the base, but hang it on a colored thread or transparent fishing line from the ceiling or cornice.