How To Draw A Flower Bed With A Pencil

How To Draw A Flower Bed With A Pencil
How To Draw A Flower Bed With A Pencil

A flower bed is an almost obligatory decoration of the urban landscape. If you want to learn how to paint city or country landscapes, you may need to depict this element of it. In this case, it is not always necessary to draw individual parts of the colors.

How to draw a flower bed with a pencil
How to draw a flower bed with a pencil

Defining the shape

Perhaps the most popular form of a flower bed is a circle. But flower beds are also square, rhombic, triangular, in the form of silhouettes of various animals - crab, cancer, fish, starfish. In a word, there is room for imagination, and you can always come up with something of your own.

Think about the angle from which you will draw the flower bed. Usually a passer-by looks at her from above from a certain angle. The angle depends on the height of the person and on how far away he is. The shape on the plane changes. The circle looks like an oval, the square turns into a rectangle, the silhouettes of animals seem thinner than they really are. If you are just starting to learn to draw, choose a simpler shape and draw the flower bed in stages.

There are also multi-level flower beds. Before you start drawing them, learn how to draw simple ones.

We draw landmarks

It will be easier for you to navigate the sheet if you draw some guides before starting work. For example, in this case, it can be a horizontal line along the bottom edge of the leaf, a vertical line in the middle and an inclined guide that will pass through the middle of the flower bed. This line will be the long axis of your oval.

The long axis does not divide the oval strictly in half - the part that is farther from the viewer will seem a little narrower than the one that is closer.

Flowerbed contours

Draw two semi-ovals on the long axis. Think about how your flowerbed will be limited - pieces of brick, plastic or thin metal fence. If you chose brick corners, draw them in the form of triangles. Those in the foreground will appear larger than the rest. The height and width of the corners decreases with distance from the viewer. The bricks in the background do not need to be drawn for now, as they will be partially covered by flowers.

Earth and flowers

Flower beds are rarely planted with flowers of the same species. As a rule, they are compositions from different plants. For example, lilies can be planted along the edge, lupines, peonies or other tall flowers in the center. With a hard pencil, mark the line on which the lilies will grow. Do not forget that it will not be the same in width, the widest part is the one that is closer to the viewer.

Draw lilies. First, outline the outlines of the bushes - these are irregular circles evenly spaced along the entire outline. Draw flowers with long, quick strokes. For lupines, too, first outline the spot, then draw vertical stems, then the cone-shaped contours of the inflorescences. In each cone, which on the plane turns into a triangle. Draw flowers with circles.
