From ordinary paper, you can fold a variety of shapes without scissors and glue - for example, an entire section of origami is devoted to folding various birds. When assembling bird figures, it is necessary, as in other cases, to achieve realism and recognition, which means that the paper bird must have a neat and beautiful beak. We will tell you how to make a paper bird's beak in several ways in this article.

Step 1
Take a piece of paper cut out in the shape of an arrow (uneven diamond) and fold it in half lengthwise. Fold the left side to the right, aligning the left corner with the right, and then fold the pocket out of the left side so that the rhombus on the left side of the figure looks down. In this way, you can make a figurine of a bird looking directly at you.
Step 2
In order to make the head of a pecking bird, make an arrow out of paper and fold its elongated part in a zigzag fold. While holding the folds, fold the shape in half lengthwise, placing the folds from the inside. After that, for the left corner, sticking out of the zigzag fold, pull a little to the side so that the bird "tilts its head".
Step 3
On the basis of the "arrow" shape, you can make another type of beak - place the shape folded in half, vertically, and bend the top corner at an angle of 90 degrees to the side. Make one zigzag fold at the tip of the beak.
Step 4
You will succeed in a sleeping bird if you fold the arrow folded in half like an accordion, directing the folds along the triangles from bottom to top. It is better to outline the fold lines in advance with a pencil.
Step 5
The beak of a flying crane will also be obtained from the "arrow" figure. Make a zigzag fold on it closer to the long edge, directing the fold from top to bottom. Then fold the boom in half with the straight edge up.
Step 6
To create a penguin's beak, fold a square piece of paper diagonally and squeeze the tip to form a triple fold. You will have a narrow penguin beak.