The main distinguishing feature of the Ufimka inflatable boat is its original and unique appearance. In its shape, it resembles a pie on which the Indians once moved across the water, because the bow and stern of the Ufimka are exactly the same sharp and raised.

Features of the
Due to the fact that the stern and bow parts of this boat are absolutely identical to each other, it will move perfectly in any direction. The original shape ensures that this boat runs flawlessly on the oars. Regardless of how a person is positioned in the boat - facing, or, conversely, with his back towards the movement - rowing is equally easy and comfortable.
This boat is designed for two people. It is very lightweight and compact.
The design of the inflatable boat "Ufimka" includes two independent cylinders, which are connected to each other by means of the bottom, as well as special overhead "kerchiefs" located in the front and stern parts. There are no air connections between the independent cylinders to maintain the same pressure. Therefore, if one side is punctured, it will go down completely, and on the other side the boat will still remain afloat. Some consider this feature a disadvantage, while others see this as an undeniable advantage.
When creating an inflatable boat "Ufimka", manufacturers use a minimum number of seams, more precisely, there are only two of them, on each of the cylinders. To strengthen all seams from the outside and inside, special strips are additionally used. In addition, exactly the same strips are present in those places where the bottom of the boat and the cylinders are glued together.
The oars' handles are made of durable natural wood, and the rowing parts attached to them are made of high quality plastic. Ordinary rubber rings are used here as oarlocks, allowing you to adjust the length of the oars' overhang.
Manufacturers offer several options for the Ufimka inflatable boat - they differ in seats and bottoms. The seats are either conventional hard or made in the form of soft inflatable cushions. And the inflatable bottom performs three useful functions at once: it increases the safety of sailing, further improves the sailing performance of the boat, and also provides reliable protection in cold weather.
This inflatable boat is made of high quality three-layer fabric. In its middle there is a cord, consisting of very strong and tightly intertwined threads, and the upper and lower surfaces are made of modified rubber of impeccable quality. The only drawback of this material is that it does not tolerate excess moisture. Due to this, the boat needs to be very thoroughly dried after each use. An excellent alternative to this option is the Ufimka boat, made of PVC material, which is also widely available for sale at the present time.