Modern communication technologies provide the user with a lot of opportunities to learn a foreign language, or even several. But is it possible to study them at the same time, will this not lead to confusion? Polyglots argue that learning multiple languages at the same time is not only possible, but also beneficial.

It is necessary
- - computer with Internet access;
- - Skype;
- - an account in one of the social networks;
- - money for attending courses and manuals.
Step 1
From the abundance of languages you would like to learn, pick two first. Please note that the simultaneous study of two related languages will just lead to the confusion that some future polyglots are so afraid of. Despite the fact that languages belonging to the same group have much in common in vocabulary and grammar, you will be trapped at every step by “false friends of the translator,” that is, words that sound similar and have different, sometimes even opposite, meanings in different languages. If English is first on your list, you shouldn't be learning another Germanic language at the same time. Choose Romanesque or Slavic. You don't need to learn French at the same time as Spanish or Italian, Polish with Czech, etc. Leave related languages for later. By choosing languages from different groups, or even better - from different families, you can avoid interference (the influence of grammatical forms, vocabulary and phonetics of one language on another). At the same time, you should be interested in both languages so that the desire to study remains as long as possible.
Step 2
Don't start learning both languages at once. Better to start with one, work your way up to the intermediate level, and then move on to the next. There are times when a person starts learning two or even three languages from scratch, but not everyone can do this.
Step 3
You will most likely learn your first foreign language at the very beginning from textbooks written in Russian. It is necessary at the first opportunity to go to grammars in the target language and to explanatory dictionaries. When learning a second language, use textbooks written in a language you already know, but not your native language. For example, in a pair of English - Portuguese, where the former you already know a little, choose Portuguese textbooks written in English. Use materials written exclusively by English-speaking linguists.
Step 4
Otherwise, the order of learning two or more languages is no different from that which must be followed when learning one. In addition to mastering vocabulary and learning grammar, you need to literally start reading books from the very first steps, following the principle "from simple to difficult." Excellent results are given by listening to audio recordings and watching movies. Through radio and television programs, you will become familiar with spoken language and learn to understand it. When watching a movie in the second target language, use the subtitles written in the first one. A lesson on Skype, and communication on social networks, where, if desired, you can find not only interlocutors, but also announcements of conversational parties in one language or another, can help.