Lara Fabian is a famous and talented French-speaking singer. She was born on January 9, 1970 in Etterbeek (Belgium). The star's family life arouses genuine interest in journalists and millions of fans. It is full of events that are closely intertwined with Lara's work.

Fabian's first serious relationship
The first serious romantic relationship of the singer developed with the famous musician and producer Rick Allison. The couple met in the music bar "Crescendo" (Brussels), where Lara performed.
After some time, the lovers left for Canada. It was there, under the leadership of Rick Allison, that the singer's first album was released, she received love and recognition from the public. Getting to know the producer is undoubtedly a fateful event in Lara's life. It was Rick who helped her achieve popularity. All joint projects with him were a huge success.
After 6 years, the couple had to leave. Lara Fabian could not cope with the pathological jealousy of her chosen one. After the breakup, young people managed to maintain friendly and warm relations.
Returning to Europe, Lara felt a passionate and vivid love for the singer Patrick Fiori. For the singer, a man became the meaning of her whole life, a creative inspiration, she could not imagine her existence without him.
The relationship between them was tense. Freedom-loving Patrick did not feel strong love and emotional attachment to Lara. Unable to withstand the endless betrayal and indifference of the singer, Fabian announced the break. After breaking up with Patrick, the woman fell into a strong and deep depression.
The break in relations with Patrick Fiori was a turning point in the life and career of the famous singer. Not only her worldview has changed, but also the style of the songs, their content and content. She began to sing what she felt in her heart, and not what the producers dictated to her.
The singer was credited with having an affair with the late Gregory Lemarshal, the winner of the French Star Factory. After a joint duet, the press announced them as a couple. The love relationship between Lara and Gregory is most likely an invention of fans and journalists. The artists were friendly and respectful to each other. Lara took the news of the death of the young and talented singer so hard that she could not even sing a song at the concert, which fans consider dedicated to the memory of Gregory Lemarshal.
Gerard Pullicino - the common-law husband of the singer
French producer and television director Gerard Pullicino was not the singer's legal husband, the couple lived in a civil marriage. The artists were familiar since 1988, Gerard filmed the very first clip of the singer.
There was no strong passion and crazy love in their relationship. They treated each other with respect and affection. In this quivering union in 2007, daughter Lou was born. The birth of a child has become an important and most long-awaited event for both Lara and Gerard Pullicino.

The couple broke up without public scandals, by mutual agreement after 7 years of marriage. They still treat each other with great sympathy and respect, together they make important decisions in raising their daughter.
Gabriel di Giorgio - Lara Fabian's official husband
In 2013, Lara Fabian received a marriage proposal from the famous Italian illusionist Gabriel di Giorgio. The wedding ceremony took place at the foot of Mount Etna. The wedding was quiet, with only the closest friends and relatives present.
Lara tries not to disclose detailed information about family life with Gabriel. This position of the singer is correct and understandable, because happiness loves silence.

In an interview, Fabian often says that she is married to a real wizard who gave her serious feelings and sincere love. This is the only information about her spouse that the singer personally shared with reporters.
However, on tour in Russia, the press noticed a case of a rude and incorrect treatment of her husband to Lara. One of the singer's fans was outraged by this attitude of Gabriel, a fight ensued in which a devoted fan Fabian broke the illusionist's arm.
This case is the only one, whether this will happen again in the future, time will tell. While the couple lives happily and does not think about divorce. At least the press has no other information.
Since 2017, Lara and Gabrielle have been living in the suburbs of Brussels. The couple have no common children yet, but Gabrielle treats Lara's only daughter warmly, takes an active part in her upbringing.