How To Learn To Weave A Carpet

How To Learn To Weave A Carpet
How To Learn To Weave A Carpet

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The centuries-old traditions of carpet weaving are passed down from generation to generation by many nations. Lint-free, smooth carpets are common among the peoples of Russia, Ukraine, and Moldova. Their fabric consists of warp threads in length and weft threads located across. The pattern is obtained from the interlacing of multi-colored threads. You can weave such a product at home.

How to learn to weave a carpet
How to learn to weave a carpet


Step 1

Tufted carpets are made on a colorless basis. Multicolored threads are tied to it in knots, which are then cut at the same height. The quality of the carpet depends on its density, i.e. from the number of knots per 1 cm2.

Step 2

To learn how to weave a simple smooth rug, you need a loom. This simplest structure consists of a base on which a wooden frame is reinforced. The lower crossbar is fixed motionless, the upper one moves freely in the grooves and is fixed with wedges so that the crossbars are strictly parallel. The size of the loom depends on the size of the carpet you want to make. In lint-free carpets, both sides have the same pattern, which is formed by a simple weave - crossing the warp and weft threads in a checkerboard pattern. For the base, strong twisted threads are needed, they are placed along the length of the carpet and counted in pairs. The weft threads are intertwined with the warp threads and are counted by the number of picks. The carpet pattern is read from a technical pattern, which is divided into conditional cells formed by one pair of warp and a certain number of weft pads. Therefore, the technique of such carpet weaving is called counting.

Step 3

Knock the wedges of the top rail out of the grooves so that it drops by 2-3 cm. Fill the machine with the base. To distribute the warp thread evenly, mark the rail with a pencil. The last warp threads on the sides should not be closer than 10 cm to the frame sides. The thread should twine around the slats strictly vertically. The end of the thread is tied to the bottom bar, then the thread is thrown over the top bar and returns from under the bottom. The warp threads must be evenly distributed. On the sides of the base, pull two or three threads additionally - these are the edges of the carpet so that it does not curl with a roller. The base is also finished on the lower rail by tying the end of the thread.

Step 4

Drive wedges into the grooves of the top rail while pulling the base. Divide the threads of the warp of the front working surface into even and odd ones, lay between them a round strip with a diameter of 25 mm and a length that exceeds the width of the base by 8-10 cm. Count the edge by a pair of threads. The gap between the odd and even strands is called the shed. The palm should pass along the width of the throat. Count the edge by a pair of threads.

Step 5

Divide the base of the rug into pairs. Make an equalizing braid. Tie the same thread as for the warp with one end to the right side of the machine, then bring it out from back to front, grab a couple of warp threads and wind again back to the next pair. Loops are obtained that cover each pair of threads. Fasten the end of the braid to the left side of the frame. Make the same braid under the top bar. Make sure that the braid is strictly horizontal.

Step 6

In order to interweave the weft with the warp, the position of the warp must be constantly changing. Those. even pairs must move backward and odd pairs forward. To do this, it is necessary to change the position of the throat. It is convenient to do this using headers. Cut the threads into equal lengths of 30-35 cm, wrap each odd thread with a hedge, bring them out, tie them into a knot every 6-8 headers. Now, by pulling on the knot, you can easily change the position of the threads.

Step 7

Prepare the weft yarn. Roll it into balls, unwind it on small jackets - small skeins in the shape of a figure eight, with which it is convenient to lay the weft threads inside the throat. The carpet is woven from bottom to top. Work the first row of weft from left to right, securing the end of the thread in the middle. Carefully and tightly nail it to the lower braid with a mallet - a special device with a wooden handle and slightly rounded 8-10 teeth from metal plates. On the next row of weft - from right to left - lower the headers by changing the position of the odd and even warp threads.

Step 8

The weaving principle is followed during the entire production of the carpet. After a few rows, start drawing the carpet according to the diagram. Make sure that the weft threads do not pull the warp, close it completely. A pile carpet is knitted on the same machine, but instead of weft threads, multi-colored woolen threads are tied in knots on pairs of the warp.
