In nature, you can mainly find two types of truffles - real Pezizales and false ones of several groups. Among the latter, there are also edible species. However, they are much cheaper than copies of the Pezizales order. And of course, many lovers of quiet hunting dream of finding a real expensive variety of these mushrooms in the forest. But where do truffles grow in Russia, and is it worth spending time looking for them in this or that region of the country?

The price of Pezizales mushroom truffles can reach 100-160 thousand rubles on the domestic market. In turn, this variety is divided into two more groups - porcini and black mushrooms. The most expensive are the rarer white truffles. But Black is not cheap on the market either.
Are there truffles in the European part and in the south of Russia?
In the world, these mushrooms are most often found in beech or oak groves in Italy, France and Switzerland. In Russia, the truffle is most widespread in the European part. Residents of all regions of this region of the country have a chance to find a white variety of this mushroom. However, mushroom pickers interested in where truffles grow in Russia and living in its European part should be aware that these mushrooms are most often found:
- in the Vladimir region;
- in the Oryol region;
- in Moscow;
- Tula.
Also mushrooms porcini truffles can be found in the Volga region.
Grows in all regions from the list above and the black truffle, which is also called summer or Russian. However, this more common type of delicacy is quite common in some other regions of the European part of the country. For example, you can find such mushrooms, among other things, in the Podolsk, Pskov, Belgorod, Tver and Leningrad regions.
In warm regions of Russia, the chance of finding both of these expensive species is also quite high. Mushroom pickers of the southern regions wondering where truffles grow in Russia should look for this rare natural delicacy in the coastal zones in the Caucasus or in the steppes in the Crimea.
Is it worth looking in the Urals?
Until recently, it was believed that in Russia, truffle mushrooms can only be found in the European part or in the south. The Ural climatic conditions for this delicacy have always been considered uncharacteristic. However, more recently, expensive black truffles were discovered in the Chelyabinsk region. Larisa Seregina, a resident of Chelyabinsk, found a delicacy loved by gourmets. After her luck became known from the media, a real boom in the search for such mushrooms began in the South Urals. But unfortunately, it is still unknown whether anyone else was lucky enough to find a real truffle in this region. However, in any case, albeit a small one, there is, of course, a chance to find such a mushroom in the Urals.
Where truffles grow in Russia: Siberian forests
Beyond the Urals, truffles, oddly enough, were discovered back in the 19th century. Before that, it was generally believed that such a delicacy does not grow in Russia. These mushrooms were found in Siberia in our time - quite recently. A resident of Tomsk, Yulia Shchipacheva, managed to find a rare white variety of truffle in the forest near the city. And if only one specimen was found in the Urals, then the Siberian woman brought home as many as three kilograms of these mushrooms. And according to the woman, truffles in Siberia are far from an accident. In her opinion, such mushrooms are already widespread beyond the Urals. So it is worth looking for truffles, of course, for mushroom pickers of this region, which is not typical for them.