Truffles are delicious mushrooms. A rare mushroom picker knows truffles, as they are very good at hiding: they grow almost completely underground, they are called invisible, since it is very difficult to find these mushrooms. There are places in Russia where truffles grow very well; in the past, peasants collected them in large quantities, being able to look for these delicacies in the forest. Even Pushkin wrote about truffles.

Step 1
Truffles are harvested in late summer or early autumn. Despite the fact that mushrooms begin to grow in spring, they ripen for a long time. Favorite places for these mushrooms are various glades, which receive a lot of light, the edges of an oak forest. The truffle is also found in the woods in birch groves or even in an aspen forest, but less often. Almost by accident, the fungus can grow in juniper, walnut or alder thickets. A truffle spot can be distinguished by the fact that the ground there becomes somewhat gray-ash, mosses and grasses in these places are withered and stunted, painful and dry.
Step 2
Truffles usually nest in several pieces. This is a tuber that bears little resemblance to a mushroom; it does not have a cap and legs that are familiar to the look of a mushroom picker. More like a potato, the surface is yellowish or gray-brown. Some of these mushrooms, when cut, look like marble. The flesh is grayish-white or pure white; in black truffles, it darkens over time to purple-black. These mushrooms look quite unusual, but their aroma is even more remembered. Very strong, does not fade over the years if the truffle is dried in the sun.
Step 3
A rare truffle comes to the surface. Sometimes they protrude almost half of the ground, but more often they hide underground at a distance of 5-10 cm from the surface. The depth can be up to 20 cm or more. The size of a truffle is also different, the diameter is from 2 to 10 cm, or even more.
Step 4
If the glade looks like "truffle", then you should pay attention to the hillocks of the earth. One mushroom may well hide under some one, and all its family will be nearby. They are looking for truffles at any time of the day. If other mushrooms are harvested in the morning, since they are the freshest and strongest at this time, then truffles are equally good at any time of the day, it is even easier to find them in the evening.
Step 5
Truffles smell very strong, and if a person does not feel it through the layer of the earth, then animals and insects feel it completely. Often a truffle spot can be found closer to sunset. On a sunny day, yellowish midges can swarm over the mycelium, as they smell. It also happens that the land there is a little dug: these are animals, among which there are moose and hares, bears and badgers, foxes and squirrels, also tried to find a delicious mushroom.