Plastic bottles are a versatile material for creativity and construction. They are successfully used to decorate a summer cottage, making not only animals, artificial trees, but also retaining walls.

Preparatory work - wall plan, foundation construction
Not all owners of summer cottages are lucky with the territory. For some, the hacienda is located on a hillside or ravine. This is fraught with landslides, washing off the top fertile land layer.
Retaining walls are being erected to combat this problem. They can be made of concrete, stone, brick, wood. You can go in a more original way by making retaining walls from plastic bottles.
First you need to draw on paper where they will be located. If the site is on a steep slope, then it may be necessary to make several levels - from 2 to 4, using such barriers. It is not necessary to surround each terrace with retaining walls made of bottles. The upper one can be made of stone, and the lower one can be made of them.
After the plan for the placement of the partition has been drawn, you can start work. Take 4 pegs, drive them into the ground along the perimeter of the future structure. Secure with rope. Align it. Remove the top fertile layer from this place, it will come in handy in the garden. Dig a trench along the markings with a depth of 40-50 cm and a width of 30-35 cm.
Pour sand down, in a layer of 7-10 cm, moisten and tamp it.
Mix 4 parts of sand, with 1 part of cement (it is better to take the M 400 brand), dilute with enough water to get the consistency of a thin cottage cheese. Pour the resulting concrete into the trench. This will be the foundation for the future wall. The next stage of work can begin when it dries up, but not completely - when you press on the concrete with your finger, a small trace will remain. Then you need to stack plastic bottles.
To create a retaining wall, 2 and 1, 5 liter bottles are suitable. From a container with a smaller volume, the wall will be thin, and if you take very large bottles, it will look cumbersome.
Erecting a wall
First, the bottles must be filled with sand and the cap screwed tightly so that it does not spill out. Make the same solution as described above, put a 2 cm layer on the foundation with a spatula. Place the top row of bottles on it. They need to be put naked to one side and tightly to each other.
Put the next portion of the solution, 3-4 cm thick, on top of them and place each bottle of the second row between two bottles of the first one. Using this technology, the entire support wall is created from plastic bottles.
You can erect 2 columns of the same material along the edges of the wall. In this case, the bottles are laid out in a circle, with the necks inward. After a few rows, they will turn into a real column.
For decoration, after the solution has completely dried, it is painted or a cord is tied, wrapping bottle caps around it.