How To Make A Potbelly Stove With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Potbelly Stove With Your Own Hands
How To Make A Potbelly Stove With Your Own Hands

Table of contents:


The simplest potbelly stove can be made from an ordinary old 40-liter milk can. Such a stove will not be replaceable for heating, for example, an unfinished room, an unheated summer cottage in the autumn or spring, households. block.

Stove-potbelly stove
Stove-potbelly stove

It is necessary

Chisel, grinder, hammer, trowel


Step 1

A hole is cut in the bottom of the can, a branch pipe is inserted into it, and a chimney is attached to it to improve traction. A sickle-shaped blower is cut out under the neck with a chisel or grinder.

Potbelly stove device
Potbelly stove device

Step 2

The grate is made of serpentine wire with a diameter of 6 mm. To make it convenient to push it through the neck into the can, it must be slightly squeezed on the sides, and inside the can be stretched to the required size. The presence of the grate will significantly ensure better burning of the wood, as the supply of air supplied through the sickle-shaped blower will improve.

Step 3

Additional parts, such as a weather vane, designed to protect the chimney from precipitation, and a chimney pipe, can be made from roofing iron yourself, but it is easier to buy ready-made ones in a store.

Step 4

For convenient installation of the stove-stove, you need to attach support legs to the base of the milk can. They are made from half-inch pipes bent to fit the diameter of the can. The ends of the pipes are straightened and, as a result, support legs are obtained. So that the supports do not move relative to each other, a special spacer is installed, made of a steel strip with a thickness of one and a half to two mm.

Step 5

And finally, it is advisable to overlay a stove-stove made according to the above-described technology with a brick or building stone. Then the stove will keep warm for much longer.

Step 6

If such a furnace is supposed to be used for a long time, then you need to make a foundation lined with red brick in four rows. Then such a stove-stove will be safe in terms of fire safety.
