How To Propagate An Orchid At Home

How To Propagate An Orchid At Home
How To Propagate An Orchid At Home

Perhaps every housewife in whose house an orchid grows wants to propagate it, but many do not dare to do this due to the lack of experience in this area. How to propagate this plant, which requires a special approach?

How to propagate an orchid at home
How to propagate an orchid at home

There are several methods of reproduction of orchids, in this article we will consider options that can be carried out at home, namely: dividing the tuber, grafting, and propagation using pseudobulbs.

Tuber division

This procedure consists of cutting a tuber consisting of six or more false bulbs with a sharp knife. The incision site is disinfected, and the tuber itself is planted in the ground. With proper care, small sprouts will soon appear.


Orchid varieties such as Wanda, Epidendrum and Dendrobium can be propagated by cuttings. To do this, you need to cut off the lateral stem of the plant about 10-12 cm long with a sharp knife treated with alcohol and sprinkle the cut with crushed charcoal. The cutting itself must be immediately laid either on moist soil or on moss and within several days, usually no more than 10-15, maintain moisture in them. As soon as the roots appear at the cutting, it must be planted in the ground. Caring for it is no different from caring for an adult plant.

Reproduction using pseudobulbs

If you want to propagate a flower in this way, you need to gently tilt the stem with pseudobulbs to the ground, put sphagnum moss and a piece of expanded clay under it, then build a small greenhouse over this part of the stem (you can use a regular plastic cup). After that, the moss under the stalk must be watered and make sure it is always moist. After a short period of time, pseudobulbs will awaken, they will give life to new buds, and soon sprouts will appear. After this happens, they will need to be separated from the stem and planted in pre-prepared soil.