To get into advertising, you need to have both an acting talent and an extraordinary talent for self-promotion. Do not think that walking around Mosfilm or Ostankino is a real chance to get on television or in the cinema. It takes a lot of hard work to get noticed.

Step 1
Register in every actor database you can find. Do not limit yourself only to online databases, visit modeling and advertising agencies, they maintain their own databases, which they do not share with anyone.
Step 2
Try to make your survey (online or printed) as informative as possible. Indicate everything about your appearance, skills, list all films and videos in which you have already starred (if you have such experience) - this will significantly increase your chances of becoming a character in a commercial or even a full-length film.
Step 3
Post only high quality professional photos. No one will consider a candidate's application form with telephone-quality photographs. Amateur photos are acceptable if the shooting was carried out by a professional. In addition, the photographs should be different, according to them, the casting manager should see not only the photogenicity of the candidate, but also his role and creative potential.
Step 4
Be sure to attend acting classes, gain experience, improve.
Step 5
And, of course, go to auditions. Even if you don't immediately get into the video, you will gain invaluable experience in passing castings, learn to show yourself from the advantageous side. And in no case do not despair, you are not lucky now - you will definitely be lucky later!