Any human dream has its own meaning, since sometimes it becomes not only echoes of your memory of the past, but also a prediction of future events.

About teeth in people's lives
Teeth are such a "part of the body" of a person about which everyone worries, worries. First, this is because teeth are very important in the eating process. It is with them that people chew food. And for those who are left without teeth, it becomes quite difficult to eat.
Secondly, natural tooth loss can occur only in children and the elderly. Children change their teeth from milk to permanent ones, and old people lose their teeth, which have served them almost all their lives.
Therefore, the loss of a tooth by a person in his prime is perceived as a tragedy.
Thirdly, toothache is one of the strongest and most painful. Therefore, people are wary of any anxiety or discomfort in the area of the teeth. All of the above affects how a person perceives dreams in which he has teeth, and how he interprets them.
Interpretation of dreams involving teeth. What is the dream of a falling fang?
A dream in which teeth appear cannot be positively interpreted. Even if in a dream all the teeth are intact, do not hurt or fall out, you are not going to treat them, most dream books will interpret such a dream as the need to be more prudent in life, to be ready to attack you and, accordingly, to repel this attack. After all, teeth, among other things, are also a symbol of the manifestation of aggression and protection from it.
Animals have claws and fangs as a means of attack and self-defense, humans have only fangs.
If a tooth falls out in a dream, it does not matter whether it is a fang or not, then many interpreters of dreams predict the worst thing: the death of a loved one. Especially terrible is a dream where a tooth falls out with blood. This may mean that a blood relative, that is, a fairly close relative, will die.
However, sometimes there are opinions about sleep with a falling tooth that are opposite to those indicated. Many psychologists associate such dreams with ordinary people's concern for their teeth. This is especially true for young women who are afraid of losing their attractiveness, which can happen just in case of tooth loss.
There is also an assumption that if you dream of a tooth that falls out or hurts, you should contact your dentist. Perhaps in this way the incipient dental disease makes itself felt.
What interpretation to believe is everyone's business. Only one thing can be said for sure. Teeth must be looked after and looked after so that they do not fall out.