The bouquet is good, but if the bouquet is not only beautiful, but also sweet, it will delight you much more.

I have already written about the creation of flowers from corrugated paper, but it is simply impossible to pass by the idea of such a sweet bouquet!
In order to make a tulip from a Kinder surprise, you will need a chocolate egg itself ("Kinder Surprise" or something similar to it), corrugated paper for crafts (for a flower, choose yellow, red or pink, blue or blue is also suitable), a wooden stick or stiff wire for the stem, green crimped for the leaves, green tape or green tape for the stem.
The procedure for creating a tulip from a kinder surprise
Cut a square out of crepe paper. The side of the square should be about three times the height of the chocolate egg. Place a square of paper over the sharp end of a chocolate egg and place the folds of the paper vertically. Trim excess paper.
Place a wooden stick under the egg, secure the paper with green tape so that the "bud" does not slide off the stick, that is, more tightly. Next, wrap the stem with green tape around the middle of the length.

Cut an elongated oval out of green corrugated paper. It will be a piece of paper. If you want, make two green leaves for the flower. The edge of these leaves must be placed under the green tape, which is wrapped around the stem of the flower.

Helpful hint: for a beautiful gift of such a flower, wrap it in a transparent flower bag or wrap it in fancy paper. Make several of these tulips from kinder surprises and present an elegantly decorated bouquet, for example, add a few small artificial flowers or shiny ribbon bows to your bouquet, make more green leaves, and so on.