How To Change Your Destiny For The Better In Feng Shui

How To Change Your Destiny For The Better In Feng Shui
How To Change Your Destiny For The Better In Feng Shui

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Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy that claims that a person and the cosmos are connected by a certain force, in another way, the energy of Qi. She is everywhere. It only depends on the person whether she will give success and health or doom to failure. The house will help to concentrate positive energy, because it is he who is a reflection of the inner "I".

How to change your destiny for the better in Feng Shui
How to change your destiny for the better in Feng Shui


Step 1

To start a new life, say goodbye to the old one. Disassemble the debris, get rid of stagnant energy. Go through old things that have been stored for years and get rid of them. These are old newspapers and advertising brochures, bills, figurines, postcards, a non-working remote control, a clock that does not run, they slow down the flows that lead you to happiness. This also includes objects that evoke negative emotions or unpleasant memories in you. When you get rid of unnecessary trash, look around the room again, for sure there will be something that you purchased in a second, and it also has no place in your house. This also applies to basements, attics and balconies. In Feng Shui, these rooms symbolize the past. Their clutter indicates unresolved problems and false restrictions. They are the ones who close the road to a brighter future.

Step 2

Next, complete the work you have begun long ago. Go through the photos, change the burned out light bulbs, repair the chest of drawers, answer the long-forgotten letter. Finish everything that your hands did not reach. You will immediately feel light and feel much better. This stage can be called preparation for a new life.

Step 3

Now, the main thing. Make sure that the trash does not reappear. Take out the trash every day. Before you make a purchase, think about it, because it can cause a blockage. Put things in their places. Don't put off your household chores.

Step 4

Having cleared the apartment and with it the soul, proceed to the arrangement of the house. The Bagua map will help you, which will show you the connection of things in the house with aspects of life.

Step 5

Draw a floor plan of the apartment and overlay a map on top. Determine the center of the room. To do this, draw diagonals on the plan and mark a point. This is a health zone. To activate it, hang a chandelier or lamp here, depending on the possibilities. The Southwest is responsible for love. If you are alone, put statuettes here, be sure to pair, for example, swans in love or mandarin ducks. The West is a zone of creativity and children, your future. Here you can hang a wish board or a photo in which you are happy. The northeast symbolizes intuition, knowledge, spirituality, it is an ideal place for library and meditation. Southeast - prosperity and wealth. There should be no empty shelves, buckets or vases. Put a money symbol here. The south symbolizes glory, the north is responsible for travel and patrons, the east is the family zone, and it is also responsible for the past. Don't tackle everything at once, identify the problem area and activate it.


Step 6

After cleaning the house, create comfort in it. Choose from figurines, candles, furniture and paintings to your liking. You will notice how you become happier, your inner world will find harmony. There will no longer be room for negative emotions, adversity and resentment. You just have to enjoy your new life. And don't forget to dust off!
