How To Make A Family Tree With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Family Tree With Your Own Hands
How To Make A Family Tree With Your Own Hands

You need to know the history of your family. To do this, you can collect as much information as possible about relatives and ancestors and build a family tree with your own hands. For correct registration, photographs of relatives are required.

Homemade family tree
Homemade family tree

How to build a family tree correctly?

Before drawing up the pedigree tree directly, preparatory work should be done. Start by writing a list of your immediate family members. Then collect the most complete personal information about them, as well as data that relate to the profession and field of activity.

Try to find out something about your ancestors. Form a geographical map of the residence of relatives. Also, be sure to look through the documents from your home archive and make notes on the photos you find (place, who photographed and when).

Essentially, a family tree or family tree is a relationship diagram made in a specific form. Descendants are usually located at the roots, and the ancestor is in the crown. This is the most popular bottom-up scheme.

The process of making a family tree

After the preparatory process is completed, you can proceed to direct manufacturing. For work you will need: plywood, a frame with glass, hinges and a hook, four wooden boards, a paintbrush, white and brown paints, green paper, burlap, a heat gun or glue, cardboard and photographs, as well as putty.

First, measure the frame with glass and make a wooden box according to the received dimensions. Then you need to cut the plywood to the size of the box and attach it to it well. Make a groove and markings for the hinge on the frame. Now you can proceed to priming and subsequent painting of the frame and box. Fasten the loops and hook so that it can be closed.

Begin gluing linen to the inner bottom of the box. Do this very carefully, starting from the middle of the bottom. Then, from thick cardboard or plywood, you will need to cut a tree trunk and apply putty on its surface. Be sure to make knots and bumps to make it look more like real bark. It will dry completely in about 12 hours. Only then will it be possible to start grinding. And don't forget to paint the wood brown.

Cut the leaves out of paper, and then fold them in half for bulk, unfold and glue to the trunk. The gluing order can be arbitrary. Photos should be cut out and pasted onto cardboard. In this case, the size of the cardboard should slightly exceed the size of the photographs. It remains only to fix the cardboard with photographs on double-sided tape in the right order. The family tree is ready.
