A person's dreams become harbingers of upcoming life events. They warn him that something important is about to happen. For example, a cow is a symbol of positive events.

The meaning of a cow in Miller's dream book
If you dreamed of a fat, calm and healthy cow, you should know that in the real world, it is possible to fulfill all innermost desires. For people without children, her appearance in a dream can portend the birth of a child. But thin or running away cows in your dreams, most likely, promise a decrease in material well-being, a failure of plans, or even a family breakdown.
If a person is sick and sees cows with such signs in a dream, he may even be threatened with an early death.
Milking a cow is good luck. In addition, it is an omen of family happiness and well-being. However, if someone is milking a cow in your dream, be vigilant, know that there is someone who treats you in a utilitarian way and wants to take advantage of you. A cow running and catching up with you may indicate the appearance of an imminent inheritance or cash receipts from other sources, a herd of cows nibbling grass in a meadow is a symbol of domestic well-being.
The meaning of a cow in other dream books
There are about a hundred dream books in the modern world. To re-read them all is a laborious task, but quite feasible and possible. This is how other ventriloquists, magicians and soothsayers interpret the appearance of a cow in dreams.
If the animal was not black, but some other color, its arrival portends good luck, prosperity, abundance and prosperity in the family. A cow chasing you, as many dream books testify, means receiving an imminent inheritance and all other benefits associated with it.
Dreams with the presence of a black cow in Jewish dream books have a fairly large place. "Nigella" can mean danger and disease, milking it - tears. Riding a black cow is getting involved in some kind of scam with big trouble. Pedantic interpreters do not forget about black bulls.
An angry bull is a symbol of aggression and danger from the leadership. And if sailors dream about it, they may have to survive a violent storm.
The set of the cow, it turns out, is also of considerable importance. Dream books say that a thin or skinny cow is a sign of need or poverty, which none of you probably wants.
But the Russian Empress Catherine the Great in her dream book assures that a cow in dreams is a bustle and bustle, which will nevertheless lead to stability and good well-being, but not immediately.
How many authors, so many opinions. Who to believe and who not to, of course, it's up to you to decide. But a cow in a dream is not a very scary phenomenon. So do not be afraid of her appearance.