If the paint on your guitar has faded and the varnish is cracked, consider purchasing a new instrument. But you can do it differently. Repaint the old one, improving and modernizing its design. Coloring your favorite guitar yourself is a laborious process, but very exciting. You will need a supply of time and quality materials to work.

It is necessary
- - Sander;
- - grinding sponges;
- - paint remover;
- - velor roller;
- - primer;
- - paint for wood in aerosol cans;
- - a coating with a cracking effect;
- - Matt lacquer;
- - rags;
- - paper tape.
Step 1
Disassemble the guitar. Unscrew the neck, remove the hardware. Put everything in a separate box so as not to lose any of the important parts and put it away before the end of the work.
Step 2
Before thinking over the design, you need to completely remove the layer of old paint and varnish - otherwise, the new coating will instantly become covered with bubbles and cracks. Plus, thick layers of fresh paint on top of existing paint can distort sound. Cover the surface with a coat of paint remover and leave it on for the time recommended by the manufacturers. Read the instructions on the label before use.
Step 3
Equip yourself with a sander and thoroughly clean the surface from the remains of paint and varnish. Be careful not to damage the tree. After processing, wipe the guitar with a clean cloth. Primer the wood with a small velor roller and dry for at least 24 hours.
Step 4
Apply a putty to cover defects, scratches and dents on the body. Do not neglect this point, otherwise the paint will lie unevenly. Proper wood restoration will improve not only the appearance of the instrument, but also its sound quality. After applying the putty, set the guitar aside to dry for a day or two.
Step 5
Cover the wood with another coat of primer, dry and sand by hand to a mirror finish. Use rounded paint sponges. Wipe the guitar with a damp cloth to remove small debris and dust.
Step 6
Try a simple, but very original design option - the craquelure effect. It does not require artistic skills, and the process itself is very exciting. It is most convenient to use a ready-made set of two cans of paint. Read the instructions carefully before starting work.
Step 7
Apply two coats of base paint to the surface from the first can. Dry them for at least half an hour. Apply top coat from a second can - it creates a cracking effect. The more layers of the product you apply, the larger the cracks will be. Dry the finished guitar for about a day.
Step 8
Coat the guitar. Keep in mind that craquelure makes the surface a little rough - decorative cracks will be felt at hand. If you do not like this effect, apply a matte varnish to the tool, dry it and sand the surface with a sponge. Repeat the procedure several times. Gradually the layers of varnish will fill the cracks and the surface will become perfectly smooth.
Step 9
Paint the neck of the guitar. Cover the cover with paper tape. Fill minor defects and process with a sanding sponge. The headstock can be painted using the soundboard technology, decorating it with craquelure. Cover the neck itself with one or two layers of enamel that matches the tone. Dry it, remove the tape and assemble the guitar.