To create an original image of nature, you need to carefully draw each object: clouds, sun, mountains, moon. Celestial bodies require special care in execution in order to be able to revive and make them natural. At first, the main thing is to understand how to draw the outlines of objects correctly so that they look like the original.

It is necessary
A sheet of paper (you can use black), pencils and an eraser
Step 1
Look at the moon and think what it resembles in its shape. This is an ordinary circle, of course, only on the full moon. But at other times it is a month - a sickle, a segment of a circle, an arc - whatever comes to your mind.
Step 2
Draw a small circle. Or try to repeat the shape that is in front of your eyes. You can use not only the natural moon, but also its image. By the way, it is best to find a beautiful illustration with craters and draw this satellite of the Earth from it.
Step 3
Color the circle with yellow and then add some orange. But do not forget that the shade of the moon changes from the time of day (as we see it), from the degree of sunlight hitting it. Therefore, you can add pink and even red - especially before a windy day, have you noticed? Yes, and if you are drawing on a black sheet, you only need to draw a relatively correct circle initially.
Step 4
To make the moon brighter, trace around it with a pale yellow pencil, making a frame. But it is better to use a shade darker so that the outline is clearer, and not only outlines a circle.
Step 5
Craters deserve special attention. When the Moon is depicted with them, she looks more natural. Craters are dimpled circles - find the picture in a book or on the internet. These are round platforms with sides - a little effort and you can sketch, if you don't have enough imagination to independently draw several similarities of low cylinders.