How To Sing On Stage

How To Sing On Stage
How To Sing On Stage

Table of contents:


Many dream of becoming stars, a few embody this dream, and the rest find more suitable occupations for themselves. But if you happen to sing on stage, and you are not at all ready for this and do not know where to start, you need to put your thoughts in order before the performance in order to present yourself with dignity.

How to sing on stage
How to sing on stage

It is necessary

Time and place for rehearsals, backing track or live music


Step 1

On stage, you need to be able to hold on, you need to be able to present yourself, look appropriately for the occasion, but these are all details. The first thing to remember: when you go on stage, you bring the audience some information, an energetic message that you have to convey. You are singing, not reading a lecture, but that does not mean that you are not conveying information. What you have to convey to the audience must constantly be in your head, you must let it pass through yourself. Listen to the song you are about to perform several times. If it is original, then record it on a dictaphone or just sing it several times. Try to feel it so that you can then convey this feeling to the viewer.

Step 2

Get rid of shyness and public anxiety. It doesn't matter how many people look at you - ten or ten thousand, for you they are just spectators. You should not expect in advance from them condemnation or low marks - you can do everything to please them. If you have persistent stage fright, start working on yourself long before the performance. The key to defeating the fear of the public is great preparation. If you rehearse your speech to automaticity, then you will be less afraid of failure. Ask your friends and family to get together and listen to you. By the way, many find it much more difficult to perform in front of loved ones than in front of a crowd of strangers, so if you overcome this fear, it will be much easier for you to sing in front of the audience.

Step 3

Rehearse. It doesn't matter where, what and how you sing. If you are not doing vocals professionally, ask for help from teachers or simply more experienced friends in this matter. Let them help you to stage the voice, stage the scenography - how you will move, what gestures you will use, how you will use the stage space. Rehearse as much as possible. Especially if you sing not to a backing track, but with the participation of musicians, it is quite difficult to work in a team. If you have to perform on stage with equipment, then be sure to rehearse with it - the voice through the microphone and without it sounds different. If the performance is spontaneous and you simply do not have time to thoroughly prepare, make sure at least that you know the lyrics and melody of the song perfectly, and then improvise.

Step 4

Consider your appearance. The scene requires a certain image, moreover, scenes and images are very different. You should not sing a folk song in an evening dress or shorts and a T-shirt, and an incendiary dance song in a folk costume. The way you look will have a huge impact on the public's perception of you.

Step 5

Just sing the way you want and the way you feel, trying to convey maximum emotions and thoughts with your song.
