Every avid angler knows perfectly well that making fishing lures at home is not difficult. This does not require special knowledge and tools. The instructions provide methods for those who want to learn how to make spoons on their own.
There are many ways to make baubles. Here are two very effective methods for making fishing lures at home.

Step 1
First method. The lure matrix must be cast from lead, and a more low-melting metal must be used to make the punch using the matrix.
Take a metal box that is slightly larger than the size of the spoon. It is necessary to fill our box up to half with molten lead. Press the spoon into the lead until the lead has hardened. It is necessary to press in until it is in the contents with its entire convex part. Wait until the lead has completely solidified. You should get the shape you were going to copy. The print should be clear, otherwise repeat the previous step again.
Step 2
Cover the resulting matrix and the sides of the metal box with graphite. It should be remembered that the box must be made of tinplate. If there is none, make a box of several layers of paper, using water glass or silicate glue.
Step 3
After you have coated the die with graphite, fill it with molten solder. Wait for it to cool completely. Take out the resulting matrix and punch.
Step 4
Now let's get down to the direct manufacture of the spoon.
To do this, use an annealed sheet of copper or brass. From it we cut out a spoon slightly larger than the size of the recess in the matrix. For about 1-1.5 ml.
Step 5
Place the lure blank exactly over the recess in the die and set the punch. Bend the workpiece with hammer blows until it repeats the shape of the matrix.
Step 6
The second method differs from the first in that the matrix is made of wood, and the punch is made of metal: tin, gart, solders.
For the manufacture of the matrix, use wood with great strength. A good matrix will come out of oak or beech.
Step 7
The matrix should be done as follows.
In the bar, it is necessary to make a recess with a chisel, in shape which will resemble a spoon. You can control this process with the help of plasticine. After the matrix is ready, the walls must also be sprinkled with graphite.
Further, the principle of making a punch and a spoon is the same as in the first method.