In various dance styles - from oriental dances to hip-hop, modern and rn'b - there is often a spectacular movement in the form of a wave with the hands, which gives the dance a special appeal and beauty. A smooth and skillful wave will elicit a lot of admiring glances from your audience, and if you are learning to dance, take the time to master the movement perfectly.

Step 1
Stand straight and extend your arms to the sides, placing them horizontally and parallel to the floor at chest level. Straighten your back. A beautiful and flexible wave involves the work of every joint in your hand - so start at your fingertips.
Step 2
First, bend your fingers, then the hand and wrist, only then lift your elbow up, and then lift your shoulder. Relaxing your arms while performing the movement will help make the wave more flexible.
Step 3
To get started, practice making a wave in both directions with one hand - make a wave from your fingertips to your shoulder, and then sweep it in the opposite direction, starting at the shoulder and ending with your fingertips. When you feel confident in a one-way wave, try connecting your other hand, synchronizing your left hand with your right hand.
Step 4
Train to do the wave regularly - exercising every day, you will notice a significant improvement in your technique after two weeks.
Step 5
If you notice an improvement, do not stop there - improve the technique of performing the wave with both hands, working in front of the mirror, and watch the correct positioning of the body.
Step 6
Try experimenting - blow a wave from the fingertips of one hand to the fingertips of the other hand, and then vice versa. After a while, you will see how your plasticity improves, and how the wave becomes voluminous and powerful, capable of complementing any dance.