Cold porcelain is a special mixture of oil, cornstarch, glycerin and glue used in artistic modeling. This material was revealed to the world not so long ago - at the dawn of the last century in Argentina.

Cold porcelain is the cheapest, most convenient and harmless material for creativity. It produces fine details well, and its texture is uniform and smooth. After hardening, the material, in contrast to plasticine, acquires hardness.
How to make cold porcelain yourself
To make your own porcelain, you need to mix equal proportions of cornstarch, baking soda and water. Vegetable oil should be added to the mixture.
The mass should be cooked over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until it thickens. After that, it should be removed from the pan and covered with a damp towel until its temperature drops to such that it could be handled. Porcelain should be kneaded to plastic, in this state it can be used for creativity.
Manufacturing technology of porcelain crafts
In order to make a lamb, you should initially use light pink porcelain. A piece of material must be rolled out using an acrylic rolling pin. Next, you have to make the body of the craft from white porcelain, a ball should be said from it, slightly lengthening and giving it an oval shape.
Now the torso needs to be wrapped in a rolled pink piece. With the thin end of the stack, you need to poke the surface of the pink part of the craft to get an imitation of the wool of a lamb. Then you can move on to the legs of the animal, they will look like flattened balls. They should be made and attached from the bottom of the torso.
In order to make the horns, you need to pinch off two identical elements from the white material, each of which needs to be shaped like a sausage with a pointed end. Using the side of the stack, transverse grooves should be formed on the horn blanks, spaced at the same distance from each other. The blanks must be twisted into flagella and attached to the crown.
From the pink mass, you should pinch off small equal blanks for the ears, which should first be given the shape of spheres, and then triangles, they should be fixed on the head in front of the horns. The tail can be made from white porcelain, which should be shaped like a rod, pointed at the end, the surface of the workpiece must be covered with dots using a stack. This element needs to be reinforced to the back of the craft.
Using black porcelain, two eyeballs should be sculpted and fixed in the appropriate place. The brown mass is useful for shaping the nose. Cold porcelain dries for about a day.
As soon as the craft is ready, it can be covered with a protective layer, which can be a waterproof yacht varnish or a composition for covering boards in a sauna. Some varnishes are capable of imparting yellowness, so before covering the main craft, you need to stain the piece of porcelain allocated for this.