How To Weave Baubles In Knots

How To Weave Baubles In Knots
How To Weave Baubles In Knots

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Among the various hobbies associated with creativity and needlework, one of the first places is occupied by the manufacture of baubles and bracelets from threads. There are many reasons for this, including the availability of this art form for any person. Anyone can learn to weave baubles in knots, just remember a few basic steps and practice with threads.

How to weave baubles in knots
How to weave baubles in knots

It is necessary

  • floss threads of two colors
  • pin


Step 1

Prepare the necessary materials. Choose thick and bright threads - professionals advise using a floss. They are easy to work with, and they look the best in the finished product, accurately outlining the pattern and playing with the richness of colors.

Step 2

Practice doing the two basic knots. Having mastered them, move on to their mirror images. Thus, you need to learn how to weave four knots before moving on to weaving baubles. To do this, prepare an even number of threads and tie a knot on top, stepping back from the end of the threads about 5-10 cm. This is your future canvas. Secure the thread by pinning the knot to a pillow or just a piece of fabric.

Step 3

Master the right buttonhole knot. Take the thread on the far left in your left hand and pull it. Wrap the second left (working) thread from left to right around the tensioned (axial) thread. Pull the end of the working thread into the resulting loop. Push the knot up and pull up so that it is not too tight. Make the second knot in the same way. Sand down this double knot and try to make a left right buttonhole knot starting with the right threads.

Step 4

Move on to mastering the second basic node, called the right turn. The beginning is the same as in the case of the right loop knot, but after tying the first loop, do the second not from right to left, but from left to right. Conversely, for a left turn, tie the first knot from right to left, and the second knot from left to right.

Step 5

Start with a simple pattern. Choose two colors and prepare eight threads, four of each shade. Place them so that the colors alternate. With the axial (leftmost thread), sew the first base element - the right loop double knot - for all the remaining threads. Move from the closest thread to the far right. Take the thread that has become on the left and follow the same procedure. Continue braiding this way until you get the bracelet you want. Your first bauble is ready, it remains to tie the second end into a knot and weave pigtails from free threads, which will serve as fasteners.
