Images of butterflies are often used as an element of art. They are drawn, embroidered, weaved from beads. In such works, the unusual colors of insects come to the fore. However, their shape is no less interesting. To emphasize this particular feature of the butterfly, try cutting it out of paper.

Step 1
Take a square sheet of paper. Fold it in half along the horizontal axis, lifting the bottom half up. Then fold the rectangle vertically, placing the left half over the right.
Step 2
Measure 5 mm from the bottom left corner to the right. Then go up perpendicularly 3 mm and put a point in this place. From the same corner, set aside 5 mm up, draw a perpendicular to the right and make a mark in the same way.
Step 3
From the bottom right corner, draw an arcuate line to the first point you set. From the top left corner, draw an arc ending at the second point. Draw a line from the top right corner here. You have got the outlines of the butterfly's body and its wing. Cut off excess paper with scissors.
Step 4
Draw patterns on the wing with a pencil. These can be spots of different shapes and sizes or ornate lines. Cut them out with fine nail scissors or a paper knife. The contours of the wing can also be made curly.
Step 5
Instead of scissors, a regular or curly hole punch will do. You can also create a pattern on the wings by piercing them with needles of different diameters. Such a cobweb will look especially good in the light - hang ready-made butterflies by the window or glue them on the glass, like snowflakes.
Step 6
To add color to your craft, paint the paper with watercolors beforehand. Dampen the sheet with water and paint several strokes of different shades. The paint will spread to form picturesque streaks. Put the dried sheet under the press, when it straightens out, you can cut out the butterfly. Butterflies cut from magazine pages will turn out to be bright. To make a more laconic version, glue a “backing” of a contrasting color to the finished monochromatic butterfly, which will be visible in the slots on the wings.
Step 7
If you want to make a painting with the outline of a butterfly, cut it out using papercutting. Place a sheet of pastel paper on a cardboard or protective mat. Draw a butterfly - it can be a contour filled with an intricate pattern, or a laconic silhouette. Use an art knife or stationery cutter to cut the pattern along the lines. The knife blade should be perpendicular to the surface of the paper. Stick the leaf with the silhouette of a butterfly on a contrasting background.