Despite the banality of the task, it is rather difficult to draw a realistic tree. It has practically no clear outlines, and the drawing of a huge number of branches and leaves makes the work really tedious and uninteresting. However, following simple instructions, you can draw a completely realistic tree. Let's consider this process using the example of oak.

Step 1
Draw a line of the ground and depict the trunk. In oak, it is usually uneven, thick, and the branches begin to grow low. Next, draw some basic lines from which the crown will form. Select the larger branches and paint in some smaller branches.

Step 2
Add foliage. It is the crown that forms the impression of the whole tree. The easiest way is to portray it as extended in all directions. Individual sheets do not need to be drawn. Better make them smudged. Although, it all depends on the effect you want to achieve.

Step 3
Give the crown density. This will make your tree look more realistic and lively, as well as give it lightness. Add the initial shadows and outline the highlights that are exposed to the sun's rays.

Step 4
Select additional branches that will peek out from under the foliage. Add additional shadows in these areas. In this step, you also need to paint over the trunk.

Step 5
Draw the final outline of the crown and draw shadows under the tree.