With step-by-step painting, the artist can begin to depict an object from any detail. Usually the most characteristic fragment is chosen, around which everything else is built. You can start to master this technique by drawing shoes, since modern sneakers sometimes have the strangest shape.

Select material
A regular landscape sheet is suitable for drawing sneakers. You, of course, need a pencil, preferably a soft one. If you are not yet very confident in drawing, you can sketch with a hard pencil, remove the erroneous lines, and then trace the contours and apply chiaroscuro with soft. Before you start drawing, it is useful to consider the sneakers, determine which fragments they can be mentally divided into and what they look like.
General outline
It is best to draw sneakers by drawing a general outline. Draw a line that can run parallel to the bottom edge of the sheet or at a slight angle. This will be the outline of the sole. The upper of the sneaker looks like a trapezoid, one side rib of which will be quite long. It runs at an acute angle to the horizontal. The second side rib, where the heel will be, is almost perpendicular to the bases. The short base is at the top, the long base is at the bottom. Draw a tall rectangle on a short base, and then turn its top edge into a curved line. The curvature can be arbitrary, because there are a lot of sneaker styles. In some, the back is higher than the front, in others it is the opposite. Draw a thick sole. Its lower contour runs parallel to the upper one.
A pair of sneakers
Draw a second sneaker. If she stands next to the first, only the toe and part of the top are visible. It is enough to draw lines parallel to the front of the contour of the first shoe, and also continue the curve to the shaft and toe line.
Straps and trim
Draw straps - stripes at the top. Draw laces - crisscrossing straight lines. Sketch the decorative elements - patches or logos. Draw the holes for the laces, draw the outlines of the tongue and sides. The lines may be jagged. At the last stage, clarify the decor elements. Circle them with a lot of pressure. For example, a part of a sneaker can be made of mesh or ribbed material, and there can be stripes or teeth on the sole. Chiaroscuro in this case is not necessary, but it is important to convey the texture of the material. The sneakers are quite soft, so you can apply light shading in some places to emphasize the shape of the shoe. If you were drawing with a hard pencil, trace the paths and main elements with a softer lead tool.
Another sequence
You can draw the sneakers in a different order. First sketch out the thick sole. Where the heel is, the lines may not run parallel - the heel may bend slightly upward. On the sole, draw a trapezoid with rounded corners. Circle the upper base of the trapezoid with a curved line that bends strongly from the front. The further order is similar to that described in the previous method.