How To Break With The Past?

How To Break With The Past?
How To Break With The Past?

It is not uncommon for former spouses to be unable to end the relationship after a divorce. Thoughts about the second half continue to excite the mind, interfere with thinking about the present and building a new future with another person.


The connection with a person, especially if people lived family life under one roof, has a complex structure. On a subtle level, various planes are affected: physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. And if there is a break at one level, this does not mean that other levels are also broken. They can exist for some time and make themselves felt. This phenomenon can be compared to the phantom pain of a person. When a limb was amputated for him, but it seems to exist, and the person continues to feel it.

Recording of subtle vibrations into the memory card of the body

People interact with each other in everyday life, at work, start partnerships in business, plunge headlong into love affairs … Some connections have a positive connotation, others negative. And all information is recorded in the subconscious. In the future, these unconscious files create psychological attitudes, form a strategy of behavior in a given situation. Indeed, in many cases, people behave automatically, without thinking about their actions and without thinking about the consequences. And if a strong unsuccessful experience of married life is recorded on the subcortex, then it will certainly make itself felt. If you do not erase this information, then creating a new harmonious family with another person will be problematic.

Only a few manage to break off previous relationships without consequences, without suffering, without energy tails. Basically, people after parting experience five aspects - denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance of the situation. If the divorce has not been psychologically worked out to the end, then the person will be dependent on the past, will be strongly attached to it. Claims to the ex-spouse, resentment, pain remain in the soul. If one of the partners did not want a divorce, then the situation becomes more complicated and confusing. And on a subtle level, "freezing" and dependence on the past connection increases and has a negative impact on the future.

What is the harm of links with the past?

When a person is free from the past, he is open to new events, his heart is open to new acquaintances, new connections, new love. Contacts are easy, and relationships become deep and serious. The people around them subconsciously feel free energy, and there are no barriers on the way to rapprochement. Fans are attracted to such a person, as if they are pulled by a magnet. New acquaintances are pouring out of a cornucopia. If a person is frozen in the past, then he will have energy blockages that take up too much space and do not allow connections to new personal events.

In this case, a person remains alone with his thoughts and attachments to previous events. And the more we plunge into the past with our experiences and reflections, the less chance we have of creating the future. The union with the new chosen one is destroyed, never being created. If the connection with the former partner is preserved at a subtle level, then energy exchange continues through it. But it should take place in new connections. If this does not happen, then the new contact will be “dead”, with no prospects for development.

Correct parting with the past

It doesn't matter who initiates the divorce, but the conversation about the decision should be done in a calm, businesslike manner. Avoid raising the issue of the relationship by any means. All claims and reasons for parting should be expressed in a dry, businesslike format. Of course, this will take willpower and self-control. But it's worth it. Any strong emotion at the tantrum level becomes a bond with past relationships. And it is better to enter a new life without such hooks. But the most difficult moment comes after this serious conversation. Do not try to look for meetings with your ex, do not create the illusion of a possible renewal of the relationship. In this case, hope is a negative element that destroys your happy future.

Another mistake is self-flagellation. Don't blame yourself for the breakup. Remember that in such situations, both partners are to blame or no one is to blame. Relationships can simply become obsolete. And all the betrayals, scandals, inattention, claims are only derivatives, a consequence of decayed relations. Additionally, use practices that help to break away from the past on an energetic level. Do a general cleaning. Use water. Clean the floors, take a shower, imagining the information about the past going away. Get rid of old things that remind you of your old relationship. Change your image, hairstyle, get a cat or dog, come up with a new hobby. Small changes will help break the connection with the past and will lead to big changes for the better in the future.
